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Posts posted by Sam.

  1. It's a weird one, I keep trying to convince myself I that I like the look of it, but honestly I don't think I do. It's maybe just the fact that I haven't liked the past few releases and this looks better than them at least imo - though I still don't see myself buying it.

    I think that we are a lot more critical of the game because we have a completely different standpoint to the majority, being PC players. They see a remastered version of a game on next gen that they probably haven't played for years, which looks nicer to them (arguably) and runs a little smoother just with a few changes. So for a lot of these casual players there isn't much to dislike, it's everything they want given how different the past CoDs have been.

    Whereas because we still play the game, we see a lot of changes to what we're used to and for us they're bad ones at that I'd say. Looking closer, it doesn't look at all like the game we're used to. It seems to be missing the things what made it what it was, and why we all enjoyed playing it so much

    Let's be honest, I don't think that we ever expected much of it. They were always going to change certain aspects and I doubt many would have accepted them around here


  2. Yeah I didn't have a back up of the registry, never really thought that I'd need it..

    Think still have some unused money on steam

    If you happen to use it, add cod4anti

    Not sure when I'll be able to get on, but will try and see what I can do

    Or, you can buy cheap legit copies of cod4 off a few sites

    Wow. Thank you for your offer, but I can't accept it. The moneys yours - so the money is for you to spend, not me :)


    Anyway CoD4 is still £20 on steam, but on sites like g2a it's about £8 for a steam key, so would be a better option to buy it from there I think.


    Will probably buy it tomorrow.


    Thanks for your guys help, thought it was at least worth a try before going out and buying it again but seems like the only way. And thank you again @Anti - it's actually mad that someone (who I don't even know, never even spoken to) has offered me their own money over the internet...


    I guess any admin can close this topic now :)

    I added you on steam anyway Anti  :P


  3. Hi..


    A couple of weeks ago I had to reinstall CoD4. I have done this a few times before for different reasons so I didn't think I would this time, but it turns out it gave me no key.


    So the first thing I did was google it. The only thing I could really find is that it should show you your key somewhere in the registry, I did this but when I realised it wasn't my key. This key that was there was a cracked key, and mine was not.


    After that I tried reinstalling the game again a couple of times but no change.


    I thought before I went and bought the game again I'd just ask here to see if anyone knew a way of recovering keys. If needed I still have a full backup of my CoD4 folder from before, and whatever there is in the registry too (I have no idea if this changes with reinstalling or not?).


    Thanks for any help :)


  4. In my opinion this server should have more maps with lot of strafes and long maps,  this server already has enough with short maps and easy strafes which makes it not fun for the "other people" . And, I don't think metalpanic and stages are not that poorly maded. I have played them plenty of times and had fun. It is still playable like other maps. This is just my opinion of course.

    Thanks for the reply btw :D

    It's fine, I'm only giving my opinion :)


    Also it isn't length that puts me off of maps, because I do think that long maps are better in a way and they are able to challenge players. But I just don't think adding maps that punish players for not being able to strafe is a good idea, because that isn't what deathrun is about. What should make a map challenging is the traps that are in it which can be difficult to pass, but everyone has their own opinions about what makes a map challenging.


    See what other people think anyway  ;)


  5. I definitely wouldn't recommend adding worldofmetal and stages, they're both poorly made (imo). This and they're kind of long with lots of strafes, so it can cause lots of players to leave as tend to die near the start of the map because they can't even make it past the first few traps. So they're just playing a map of watching others players pretty much  :dave:


    The ones which I do think should be added are onsea and something, they're both quite fun and relatively well made. So I think the players on your server will enjoy playing them. 


    As for the other maps I'm not really too sure because some I've never really played and others seem to get mixed receptions.


  6. I was only answering his question @@Blade. So I was suggesting that they had been at some point (which they have), not that they're all on now  ;)


    I think that it's hard when setting a rotation because the maps most people enjoy to play usually aren't good maps.


    As an example, on the server I play on, when I've made the rotation I've never put in the map snip just because I think it's one of the worst deathrun maps ever made, and defeats the object of the mod. But sometimes some other people help do this too and want to add that map despite how bad it is. Even though it's so bad its always one of the maps which makes the server the fullest because people enjoy it (how ever they do I don't know) so they play that map and then when a harder (better) map gets voted they leave. And that's just how this community works, people like some of the poorer made maps because of the stupid things that they have, or don't have in snip's case.

    -I'm just using VC as an example because I don't play raid deathrun


    So it's hard to choose a rotation that doesn't have these maps because it's a hard choice between if you want players to play your server with there being worse maps on it or whether you want the less players to play and have better, more challenging, maps on it. That's what I think anyway, so I think a mixture of the two is best (kind of) but then it just comes back to the same problem again I guess...


  7. So just a couple of improvements I could think of from the few games that I played:


    1) In sharpshooter there is no notification to when the weapons are going to change without constantly having to look at the time. So maybe there could either be like a weapon timer, notifications, eg. "5 seconds left", or sound beeps for the last 3 seconds (think this is used in the actual gamemode on more recent CoDs.


    2) I'm not sure if this is possible with some maps or not. But I feel that the one in a chamber game mode is suited a lot to camping and trying to hide waiting for enemies to run past you. In BO1 they actually made it so that this gamemode was played in a section of the map rather than the full map, so I wondered if there is any chance of doing this to the maps to make it slightly more interesting,


  8. There's also the possibility that you could add prestiges. With the maximum rank on your server being 80 (which is quite time consuming to reach anyway) I think that you'd only need a couple maybe - for now at least.


    With this obviously there wouldn't be too much more to unlock, so the spacing at which you unlock things would be larger. But as you progress further you could unlock more exclusive items, for example different sprays, characters, trails or even special weapons. I think that this would just give players that have reached level 80 something to work towards again.



    you.... you can talk :horror:


    ive noticed yu have been lurking on the forums for a loooong time.... yet yu had 0 posts until now :horror:

    Yeah... I just liked to know what was happening around here. Raid's really the only community I like to keep track of other than my own, so I just check in a few times a day :)


    But it seems silly that I didn't post for so long, I have no idea why.


    I'll start posting from now on though. Kinda pointless just being here and not actually doing anything ;)


  10. Hello, your maps are awesome!

    how would you know his maps are awesome if he hasn't release a map yet :wat:


    He might have played my private one on our server. But it hasn't been in the rotation for a while, and I don't remember seeing you before  :o



    Welcome to the forums after a year of lurking :dave:

    I'm not sure how I managed to lurk for that long without saying anything tbh  ;)


  11. Hi!  :D

    (This is mostly copied over from codscript, but I'm not really known around here so I just decided to post this here to give you am idea to who I am. Because I've been around here a while and never really got around to doing this, so I guess it's about time)


    So I'm 15 years old and I'm from England.


    My main hobbies are playing football, cricket and gaming. 


    I am also a noob mapper, I've created one map however it's private, I'll leave information about that in a spoiler as some people might not be interested  wink.png


    The first map I have made was called Sam (I know my creativity levels are fabulous... :dave: ), but I decided I would keep it private to Vistic as it was my first map. Although it's private, I'm still pretty happy with it, I just didn't want that to be the way I was known in the community for a basic, pretty bad map. But if you're interested I've made some screenshots here.


    There are some things I would definitely change if I remade that map (eg, rooms - as they are all overused and quite boring), but I'm not going to touch that map again as it's private and I know I can make a lot better.  


    I started work on a new map but haven't done anything to it in ages as I've been really busy irl. This isn't finished yet because I need to detail it more but it gives you the idea of the spawn --> here.


    And that's it really about me, isn't much more to know ;)




    I'm not that active lately because I have exams, I'll be a lot more active once they've finished  :)
