
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by DeadEcho

  1. This guy ... For some reason xfire didnt recorded autio, dunno why, but the dude is funny.
  2. cu later, take care mate!
  3. wow, thats some aliases lol ^^
  4. Hello there mate! :-)
  5. Exotic, you are a good player, you beat most of us in dr, I dont get it why you needed to use hacks ... -.-
  6. Happy birthday mate!
  7. If you say drive, I say
  8. If you are banned its for a reason. If you wanted to appeal your ban, you must provide your in-game name and the date when you got banned. If you are here for trolling, then grow the fuck up and get a life!
  9. Welcome here mate!
  10. When people donating via this site, this text should be there at 2nd step, the payment shoud be 3rd and people shoud accept it before going to payment.
  11. Post yer real face faggot :p
  12. Looking great, good job mate!
  13. I'm sorry to hear that you leave Anti! Good luck irl!
  14. I voted no, because I dont like any CoD games that was made after cod4. I like new stuffs, but a new mod with custom maps and custom weaps, is not enough interesting to me.
  15. Okay guys, here's a pic of me ^^
  16. Hungarian is the nicest language of the world, ok? :D /sry offtopic
  17. Congratz guyz!
  18. Happy Birthday! :-)
  19. Yea, I ate it, it was soo good, I even drank some JD after that ^^
  20. Welcome here mate! Sorry, but I ate the chicken, and it was good xD
  21. I didnt clean my desktop too, i use it that way. I like it clean. Almost every icon i have are on quicklaunch. Only one click instead of two ^^
  22. Here's mine: