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Status Replies posted by siikdude

  1. How soon will BO3 deathrun be created?

    1. siikdude


      Even if it is created it won't be the same as Call of Duty 4 it won't have the same feel. Bo3 has the updated engine which means no more strafe jump no more specific FPS and no more bounces there's also jetpacks and wall running I don't think it's even worth the time to be honest. Also I have a feeling the playerbase will be way less in Black Ops 3 then the peak of death run in COD 4

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Anyone think it's worth spending £20 on BO3 only for mod tools? Will modding/mapping have a big enough community to warrant the buy?

  3. 4chan is fucked up

    1. siikdude


      depends where you go. /b/ has all the weird shit because its the random board. I personally just stick to reddit because its more civilized there and you're not dealing with neckbeards

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. i am very depressed but it is nice to see this place is still alive. i miss this. anyway whats up guys? anything new?

    1. siikdude


      im still here because ive been here since 2013 and like to go on forums but this shit is dead af 95% of the time

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Gonna start high school tomorrow and I wont have gaming time :(. Going to be busy with my main priorities for a few weeks. 

  6. new origin layout is sexy :o

    1. siikdude


      looks the same to me and their still using that shitty font

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. whats something I can do to further my interest in coding? Looking back I really enjoyed scripting for cod4 because of the instant feedback it provides in that you can see your changes in-game. But, I have no interest in ever playing/modding cod4 again... Any suggestions/ideas?

  8. whats something I can do to further my interest in coding? Looking back I really enjoyed scripting for cod4 because of the instant feedback it provides in that you can see your changes in-game. But, I have no interest in ever playing/modding cod4 again... Any suggestions/ideas?

  9. Using other people's work as a foundation for your own and giving credit for said foundation is almost a textbook example of how Linux and most other open-source projects work in the real world.  But that's really none of my business is it.

  10. Using other people's work as a foundation for your own and giving credit for said foundation is almost a textbook example of how Linux and most other open-source projects work in the real world.  But that's really none of my business is it.

  11. Using other people's work as a foundation for your own and giving credit for said foundation is almost a textbook example of how Linux and most other open-source projects work in the real world.  But that's really none of my business is it.

    1. siikdude


      Isn't it technically illegal for a mod like death run to exist

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  12. please remove waterworld 

  13. please remove waterworld 

  14. anyone in london wanna catch some sweet pokemon with me?

  15. Why would someone, who owns the largest torrenting site, use facebook and apple? It's so easy to track his ip adress that way.

  16. Welp, officially an oldfag, 21st birthday today.

  17. So there's something fucked up in my pc, couldn't figure was it was myself so I was going to sent it to the company I got my parts from. They charge €17,50 just for sending it to them and then it's €17,50 EVERY HALF AN HOUR. Like what even

    1. siikdude


      Substitute for a few days ago and I will be a good time to get the same as the one that is a good time to get the same as the one that is a good time to get the same as the one that is not a problem with the following user says thank you

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. i usually hate forcing my opinion on others but everybody who's british go here please.