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Everything posted by siikdude

  1. but why
  2. Just noticed today is my cakeday on reddit :wub:

  3. utorrent? mate thats loaded with malwayre and a bitcoin miner. I suggest oh yea, welcome to the forums
  4. 1. Godfather 2. Schindler's list (Based on a real person. Would highly recommend watching) 3. Saving Private Ryan 4. The silence of the lambs 5. The shawsank redemption Edit: Just saw the Action and Adventure bit. #2 and #5 aren't really those but I am still going to keep them on the list because they are very great movies. soz.
  6. g.g.
  7. Another win
  8. will post soon, cant delete this post soz
  9. got promoted to MG2 in this one(First game of the day with little warmup. Explains shit score.) Carrying MGE's xD ezpz win gg On a 3-winstreak
  10. I'm excited for win 10 because its a better version of win 7. but /g/ doesnt approve of win 10 :troll:. Cross platform i dont really care about and cortana i dont give a shit about and thats about it bois. PC MASTER RACE FOR EVER. HOW CAN THEY CROSS US WITH THE DIRTY PEASANTS
  11. I guess 16GB of RAM is not enough to run this game. rip
    1. Zack


      rip. rip mayne

    2. Wraith


      well u must have 100 tabs running on chrome :troll:

  12. My favorite is #4. #5 I cant even see anything
  13. My download used to be at 80 :okay:
  14. inb4 Tilak gets free airplane ticket to america to join cloud 9
  15. The bumping is real. No bumperino old topics ploxerino.
  16. So I just thought of a little suggestion that may be good. Just a new job that would only moderate the forums instead of the servers. I think this job would be good for people like me who just go on the forums but rarely go on cod4, servers, etc. This job would handle closing topics, making sure everything is ok, even making important post if it's allowed. Like I said this is just a suggestion so it doesn't have to be implemented. So for as the requirements goes I'm guessin the person would need over 10 posts and 10 days online in the forums although this could be changed of course. Anyways if anyone feels this isn't needed, that's fine as this is just a suggestion :)
  17. Actually I have thought about and it is un needed ^
  18. True, but maybe this takes less work off from them?
  19. you look like someone I know irl@@BosnianArmy why does it matter? People show their faces on Facebook all the time and there's ea dom people on their aswell. As long as you're not a dumb ass and dont give out specific information/adresses then you're fine.
  20. Borscht :angryarnold: