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Everything posted by siikdude

  1. i will make u admin
  2. I totally agree with you. I was actually surprised why all of a sudden people were defending cod 4 on its current state with players. I thought it was a known fact that cod 4 is on its way
  3. Hello, I'm looking to see what you guys like better in terms of desk setup... pls answer the poll and here's a 3d view of the right corner setup and straight setup: The area where my new setup will be
  4. it is what it is. I'm not sure but I think the floor was intentional because before renovation, it used to be a farm carriage house. I don't mind it really as long as I have space
  5. Pretty much finished now waiting on some wheel
  6. Who wants to start an argument in the shoutbox

    1. Anti


      Bosnian, dear brother, have thou lost faith in thy most saucy lord and savior? Remember that those who abandon shall be cooked for eternity by Papyrus

    2. MiKeY
    3. MiKeY
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. bro I think you been watching too many movies
  8. He will go into the special forces :troll:
  9. Edit: well guys i went with the corner setup... i just built them
  10. why u getting pissed of people on the internet
  11. IMO monster taste like aids and red bull is ok
  12. easy2convert
  13. the new desk is going in the room i showed in the picture idk if stefan was asking about that old desk that was in the room picture
  14. this desk?: hell no lol
  15. That whole upstairs used to be clean but my dad decided to put all of his eqipment and shit up there because it was pretty much unused so I decided to make that basically my room... that's only a 3rd of what needs to be cleaned up.. i can take a pic of the whole room if u want
  16. oh yea right you dont recommend a possible fix that wont have any negative effects if it doesnt work right. I understand that you're trying to help but don't pretend to act like some computer genius telling what and what not to do. OP, if your computer is from a brand, try to find their drivers on their website.... you should have realtek audio as most motherboards do... try to upgrade them or rollback on previous. If you haven't tried, reconnect HD AUDIO on your motherboard. I highly suggest you do. My audio wasnt working and it turned out I just needed to reconnect There's also a possibility that your jack port is broken
  17. These shitty videos usually dont work but never hurts to try
  18. If u have a desktop go into ur PC in shove the HD AUDIO really hard back into its port like ur gonna fist the shit out of it. Sometimes it comes out
  19. i see that vein tho
  20. Sometimes my PC boots with a BSOD -> MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Sometimes it shuts off when booting although this is rarer. I've ran memtest86 for 6 hours and got no errors. I've ran windows diagnostic tool in safe mode with no errors. I think maybe it's a faulty driver. Anyone know a good way to check my drivers?