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Everything posted by siikdude

  1. This is not the finished map. I am still working on it. Dont ask these questions as if I already finished the map and released it.
  2. Everything you said Ive already explained to previous posts :facepalm:
  3. bai cledi
  4. Here is me from a year ago: There you go fgts. My hair isnt like that anymore btw ;__;
  5. xM is not shutdown btw but is still a bad server
  6. There we go much better ;)
  7. You dont add me as your deathrun friend? :(
  8. could you give me trap ideas? :o
  9. Its a Belkin Cat6 FT4
  10. Thats my internet as of now. It could be this slow though because I may be using an old Ethernet cable.
  11. I guess theres nothing wrong with acer.
  12. :troll:
  13. Nope. Acer is low quality
  14. Anything Acer is not good. The Lenovo 510p is better than that.
  15. Wat, How would you know what the new terrain look like? lol
  16. Will last you for years. Also is only 6 pounds Edit: Its an OK laptop. Not as good as I originally thought it would be.
  17. Edit: I fixed the terrain :3
  18. I am planning on putting in a menu.
  19. 1) Yea I may put in a smaller fire. 2) I've actually fixed the first trap's timing cause I noticed that too. 3)Yea I see that little gap, Ill try to see if i can fix it without making anything else look ugly. 4)And yea Ill try to make the mountains look less spiky. Thanks for the feedback!
  20. The point behind this is that the world is set in the future and there is corruption, etc. So everything is sorta rundown. Reminds me of Half Life. Yea ill see if I can get a music menu if I can find one ;__; lel
  21. So basically I get that error whenever I try to load my map when devmapping.. Now previously my map has been working perfectly and I never added any weapons to it. I had 2 turrets in my map previous to this error and it worked fine. This error started to happen when I just compiled my map when I added in some brushes. I deleted one turret but that still didn't work. This error randomly started to happen and its really annoying. If anyone knows a fix for this that would be great. As I said I have not added any weapons so I have no idea on how I would exceed cod 4's 12 weapon limit per map. I have only 1 turret now? Thanks.
  22. Well since im not allowed to upload the file here is what I have in it: ignore,code_post_gfx_mp ignore,common_mp ignore,localized_code_post_gfx_mp ignore,localized_common_mp col_map_mp,maps/mp/mp_dr_freedom.d3dbsp rawfile,maps/mp/mp_dr_freedom.gsc impactfx,mp_dr_freedom sound,common,mp_dr_freedom,!all_mp sound,generic,mp_dr_freedom,!all_mp sound,voiceovers,mp_dr_freedom,!all_mp sound,multiplayer,mp_dr_freedom,!all_mp fx,deathrun/fire fx,deathrun/sparks fx,deathrun/fire xmodel,weapon_saw_mg_setup
  23. Bear can you please eat the original cod 4 Devs plz