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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. #(_$!!*%!_!%(!!%_(!@!_%12 200th POST!?!:#@[P@$!_$%#(#_%(235 Anyways, favourite song is "Through the fire and flames"
  2. is bad at lyfe
  3. New HUD looks good! I think the time should be in the top left as well, good job.
  4. That moment when the team you support is above the rival team!

    1. ~Budzy~


      You'll exited by getting shot in the back every single game, so get used to that

    2. ~Budzy~


      + I'm not going back on it until they fix their shitty servers, Every game I get DC'd half way through, Triton gets this too so its not my net

    3. Cloudy


      My lag is decent for games, but I guess it's a host problem

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  5. Thanks JWofles, thread is locked.
  6. Bought cod advanced warfare day zero edition from game! Hopefully will come on friday or saturday, maybe even tomorrow if i'm really luck C:

    1. siikdude


      HAHA I'm sorry but I had to do that. I feel so sorry for you ;_; it would prob take at most an hour to download for me. Prob less

    2. ~Budzy~


      Took me 2 hours with 4.2 constant dl

    3. BosnianArmy


      Would take for me like 30 min, a hour max :dumb:

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  7. Who's looking forward to I'm a celebrity get me out of here!? I certainly am! Can't wit :3

    1. DeadEcho


      I watch the Hungarian version, so many celeb idiots :D

    2. Cloudy


      Joey Essex was on the british version last year, was so funny, I remember when he pretended he didn't know how to tell the time, then got lil miss britain (very hot woman) to teach him lol

    3. jwofles


      I remember that :')

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  8. Looked like a decent map as well! But good on you PC. Would you be able to find my cat? D: :troll:
  9. oh faine auntie, Bearzor!
  10. Happy birthday nublet! :3
  11. Happy Birthday God! I know i'm late, but I was doing this!
  12. fankoo Sentrex :3 Have fun in iceland btw
  13. Boy oh Boy I love Halloween :3 I love it when you're walking home after school, and around 3:30PM, it's already getting dark! It just brings a form of horror to me. I've never liked summer, winter has always been my favourite.
  14. Welcome to the forums! if you want/need anything, feel free to hit me up on xfire! (username - cloudy197) Pleasure meeting you.
  15. OMFG. I'm just too good! hue
  16. Here's my new PC. Also, temperature wise, anything above 80 should be dealt with, anything below is fine if you ask me. Got my new CPU cooler coming today, due to the stock one being very loud. EDIT: TiLaK come on xfire! Battlefield 4 SHOULD be coming today! So we can be noobs and play together! :3
  17. Happy halloween!
  18. Lol, not all the maps are short, people finish the maps fast because most of this community are decent at deathrun. As for the maps, make a map rotation yourself in notepad, then upload it to this thread, and then we'll have a vote on what we think, just remember, the server evolves around the community, so if we dislike what you chose, then it's not going to happen.
  19. Very mature thing to do :) Well done on having the courage to do it, It's not always simple to apologize to people who you only know via computer, So i applaud you!
  20. Locked because Lossy has replied, and no further comments needed.
  21. Welcome to raid :) Enjoy your stay, and make sure to say hello to me in-game! If you ever have any worries/questions, add my xfire: cloudy197
  22. I would like it, not only have I never played a borderland series, I've actually been saving up for Borderlands two, but now I don't have too :P. And yeah, not really much else too say :3
  23. Sorry for my inactivity, and there's a pretty good reason :D Well, in south east england, on friday (6 days ago) the was a storm, and it hit my area pretty hard, and caused the BT Modem to fail, but typically, my dad's on holiday in turkey, so I went without internet for a week (i was laik keill mei) and then yesterday, my dad came back, and then the BT guy fixed it all, and noaw I have internet :P

    1. Grezwal


      Good to hear you are okay man!

    2. DeadEcho


      missed ya cledi ^^

    3. QueNNch


      I can live without internet easy

      And welcome back :P

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