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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. If you haven't sorted it already, check out my topic at pXg. Managed to fix a few people's issues. Not sure if linking pXg is considered advertisement anymore due to the merge, however if it's an issue (which I doubt) just take the link off.
  2. Ayeee, that's the old me huehue. I'm not longer cunt so don't worry, no need to protect your servers from my free 'TeV DoS' lmao.
  3. Offers help to someone without knowing what to do, hmm. Nice one.
  4. I agree with Lossy, GTA custom playlists would be hella fun. Wouldn't even mind making the playlist for ya.
  5. Appy' birfdei maeit
  6. So basically, we keep doing this song until it reaches 0 So, now for the rules of the game - You can only post once and that's it really! So lets start - 1,000 Cartons of milk on the wall, 1,000 cartons of milk, take one down, pass it around 999 bottles of milk on the wall! (And then you do 999 cartons of milk on the wall etc)
  7. The Sims 1 word 4 letters
  8. Barclays? Sorry if we've already had this one...
  9. Alright, so basically you post your internet speed! xD Here's mine!
  10. How do you live...?
  11. And I'm still here with fucking 5mb... sick. Oh, and stuck with this because two idiots decide to go crash into the box thing where all the wires are... Funny how that upload speed is quicker than my fibre, :wub: my internet.
  12. Ah right, I didn't see any viewhands so I missed it out aha. Thanks for the correction.
  13. I think it's this; 13,12,28,shadow,shadow1,Shadow,A hedgehog., I may very well be wrong, I haven't done this in a while. Even though that isn't a very good excuse; I'm sure somebody else can help you if it doesn't work.
  14. Can you give me a download link to the character?
  15. 13,12,28,character_shadowthehedgehog,body_shadowthehedgehog,viewmodel_hands_shadowthehedgehog,Shadow,A hedgehog., Add it to the bottom of the characterTable.csv Be aware, this isn't correct. You need to search for the character, body and the viewmodel of the character from the files before you add that in, otherwise it wont work. Not sure how to fix this text.
  16. Just copy the format for the (in characterTable.csv) characters above, make sure you update your mod.csv and you also need to replace the files in your mod folder from the character files you have got from cfg factory . By the way, (in characterTable.csv) the number on the right is what level you unlock it at I believe.
  17. What's the issue?
  18. Then he hasn't put it into the materials, images and material_properties folder, or he's not added the material to the mod.csv. Actually, did you add "material,rank_31" to the mod.csv? That would explain why it's not working. EDIT: bloody hell lossy
  19. Try this for rank 31. If it doesn't work, then just reply again. ;) EDIT: This is rank 26, just rename the files to 31 and check if they work, because if they do then it's something to do with your image, not any of the settings in asset manager or your tables. Also, if you haven't already; did you do what @Lossy said and add the images to the deathrun.iwd?
  20. blendFunc needs to be "Blend" tile both* needs to be changed to "no tile" mip standard [2x bilinear] needs to be changed to "nomip bilinear" nopicmip needs to be ticked I believe. That's it, should work now if you've done everything else correctly. EDIT: Oh, and the rest just stay as they are now. If that doesn't work, I'm sure Lossy will have a reply for you, and if you still can't get it working just pm me ^
  21. If you actually read what he said, he said that he just took it off of that one menu and left it on the original menu.
  22. A cheeky little boost in internet on Friday. Weird :o
  23. I'm liking it. Keep up the good work! :) Although I didn't play the GMOD version of the map, I've seen game play of it before on YouTube, and must say you've done a hell of a job.
  24. Naah, shouldn't have said that. Was too mean to Bosnipoo.