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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Can you fix this please, it's just the weapon not appearing on Skydeath (Sniper, not sure about any other rooms though) screenshot;
  2. Welcome! I hope that you'll start coming and playing on the servers during the day time :dave: ^^ Have fun, and always message me if you have no-one to play with!
  3. My favourite song is; I'm a 13 year old who loves AcDc!!!!!! :>
  4. This is my lets say opinion on what you should buy for the PS4/Xbox One era. I think that what Xbox has tried to do, is make their console an all round product which has multi-media features which the PS4 doesn't have, and what Sony has made, is an all round gaming console, preferred from the people who like the graphics and simple layout, therefor buy the console which suits you/your family; So what I'm trying to say is, buy the PS4 if you want the hardware side of the 'console-war' and the 'better graphics' and if you don't want/need any of the many different apps which the Xbox one has, the PS4 is your best choice. And now for the Xbox side of things, if you want the many different features of the Xbox one, which will last your family a good 4-5 years, which has killer apps, and has most of the gaming aspects needed to for-fill your gaming duties, the Xbox one will be the choice for you. And this is coming from a person who doesn't fanboy any company, I simply buy the one which suits me the best and fits my needs, I got the 360 last generation simply because in my eyes, it looked the better out of the two, and this generation, I've gone for the more 'old-school' gaming approach to my console which will give me the better graphics. Hopefully you read this and realise there's no reason to fanboy and company, and buy the one which you like the most, + on what your friends are getting, because I'm sure you wouldn't want to buy the PS4 if all your friends are getting the Xbox one, because then you're on your own and it would be a less fun experience to have. Sorry it's a bit late :D but for all of you which haven't decided or are waiting for your birthdays, I hope you've decided which one to go for.
  5. Intel i5-2320 Gtx 770 Superclocked ACX 2GB GDDR5 650w Power supply 8GB Ram MSI B75MA-P45 Micro ATX LG (Motherboard) That's the computer i'll be getting in 2 months, the system I have now; Intel i5-2320 Amd Radeon 6850 450w power supply 4GB Ram (Custom built dell, which I got 3 years ago)
  6. b 4 3 is fullbright, like Darmuh said, but if you're only getting this trouble on certain maps, with fullbright, or without then if you don't use fullbright on the particular maps you get fps drops on, use it! and if you're already using it, then I have absolutely no idea. ;_; And what maps are the fps drops on? and are you using fullbright? or not... also some PC specifications would be nice, just to see if it's your end, or it's a genuine problem.
  7. Here's an updated version of my latest game, (it's a lot better than the first one with more people) Good game :D
  8. Thanks mate. but would the i5-2320 (3.0Ghz) be good for BF4 if it's mostly cpu based.
  9. Good luck, nice player.
  10. You wont let me help you build things doe Triton ;__;
  11. I've had a few tries with Radiant, making the map isn't so hard, but the scripting is difficult if you have no idea what to do :D
  12. Could you give me some suggestions on what to put down? thanks :D :troll:
  13. Looks nice so far ;) as for some advice; Make a fair secret which wont get modified by the owners. otherwise, there's no point.
  14. I'm terrible...
  15. Basically, I've came here to say, mostly no-one can reach 333fps with the smoke effects turned on, I can only if I look up, and the smoke isn't really necessary, it lowers everyone's fps by about 100 I can barely get 250 when looking straight ahead of me, and I'm someone who likes doing secrets, and this is the first time I can't get into one. Please, disable the smoke effects. Maybe my computer needs restarting, I don't know.
  16. Thats the reason, i want to do the secret xd, and also I'll just use fullbright now, all sorted, please close when you're ready or something.
  17. me too :) Darmuh :C You probably have a gtx 780 or something :dave:
  18. Maximum settings dough?
  19. I guess I could turn on fullbright :D, I completely forgot that it was there, sorry guys xd. but ehm, I have an Amd Radeon 6850, and I can pretty much reach 333/higher on every map, what makes this one lower my fps? is it the smoke? or...? (Sorry I was a bit grouchy, just came back from America so I'm extremely sleepy and tired, and grumpy)
  20. The thing is, it's not just me who can't reach 333fps, it's mostly everyone, only a few people who have what? Gtx 670's? can actually play the map. I think that the smoke is just unnecessary. But who'd listen to me huh?
  21. Haha,I wish, I'm only getting one if I'm nice to my little brother, and that's > tough.
  22. It looks extremely appealing, looks a lot of fun, the only constructive criticism I have is that you could make the secret a bit more hidden, unless the secret is quite hard and it doesn't need to be hidden so the people who are doing the secret can still reach the end, the same time the people who are doing the normal map. Or the other way around etc
  23. Could you tell us how many prestige's there will be? (Not sure if you meant there's 30 prestige's or that was just the maximum level before you could prestige) Also wouldn't it be easier (instead of making the weapons spawn a couple seconds after the round starts) if you made it that the round start time is longer (so the activator gets picked during the timer is counting down, instead of after. I'm not sure if it would take a lot of scripting or not but I think it would be a less buggy idea) But lets see how this pans out :)
  24. Apples Pears Peaches Leaches Emblic (For all of you ''noobs'' Emblic's are small yellow berry's - Another name for the Indian Gooseberry) I also hope that just listing random things counts as a sentence :D C A R S
  25. I'm glad that this has turned out the way that it has, you guys know pretty much everything us ''Raiders'' like on your server/servers. Can't wait for the new and ''improved'' deathrun :) I'd also like to announce my departure from the Website and the server for around 17-18 days, Why? - Well because I'm going to America on holiday for a while. I'm leaving the house tomorrow at around 1:30pm (For all of you guys who want to know the details) Since all the aeroplane seats are taken, I'll tell you the time my flight is... - 7:45PM The aeroplane I'm going on? - Boeing 747-400 (British Airways) What aeroplane am I going on, the way back? - Boeing 777(British Airways) What day am I coming back? - January 17th, 11:00PM Where I'm going? - New York (Brooklyn) If you wish to ask me any questions about anything related with this, feel free.