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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. new star on got2pee if you didn't know its people who film people pissing and put it on por*hu* and tube.
  2. Don't mind, could make it so the better weapons like the intervention are unlock-able by achievements
  3. Happy birthday :wub:
  4. Ew, no. Yes = Would you rather be incredibly overweight but have an amazing girlfriend, Or No = You're gorgeous but have an ugly ass girlfriend.
  5. Yes To take them to football with me <3 Yes = To be able to read minds, No = To be able to control peoples minds
  6. Assuming Yes = Rich, No = Poor. Yes Looks don't mean much in life therefore I'd rather be ugly and have a brilliant life and gorgeous and not be able to afford my girlfriend a KFC :D Would you rather have no ears or no eyes? Yes = No ears, No = No eyes
  7. Good luck Bl4z3! Always nice to talk to in-game, however still quite nub in deathrun c:
  8. Carried them all, still lost. I've lost every comp match I've played (like 5) after I got ranked and still haven't been deranked, maybe because I always do well in my matches but my team mates do SHET! :C
  9. Yes please! Would love to have a promod sniper server as, well like West said, I rarely go on promod because it's gotten so active there's no snipers to use! (Not a bad thing of course :P)
  10. Happy birthday buddy! Don't know you very well however hope you get what you wish for on your special day, regardless if it's socks or a PC :D
  11. Think about the scale of our Universe, it's forever expanding. I remain optimistic on this subject as I'm highly positive there's life and (regardless of what you said) possibly intelligent life in our Universe. How does this planet get it so right when there wasn't 10googol planets in the universe when life was on Earth? It could occur any time at any place. If anyone's wondering 10google is 10 with one hundred zeros. Or if this helps; (10100) @ Science.
  12. Not everyone think souls exist ;) I for one don't believe it, however this is my personal view and disagree with me all you like c:
  13. Yep, definitely. We're not the only ones out here! It's pretty obvious that there's life beyond earth due to there being over 100,000,00,000 galaxies. To put it into perspective, we're one galaxy with over 100,000,000,000 planets in. JUST ONE GALAXY! Feel small yet? There's over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets (One with TWENTY FOUR zeroes after) Meaning somewhere, no matter how far away there must be intelligent life in the Universe (not meaning humans) but an animal of some description, it's just not possible for something to go so 'right' on one planet yet go so wrong on the billions and billions and billions and billions of other planets in the Universe. As Darmuh said, they've found water on Mars even though we've been observing planets for decades... Maybe somewhere Nasa (or other scientific labs) have missed something on other planets like they have on Mars, It's almost certain there's other life in our Universe. (The star is called VY Canis Majoris) There's a star in our universe which is 2,100x bigger than our sun, and can fit 9.3 billion suns (same size as our sun) inside. And it's crazy to think that something that large can be a tiny dot in our sky among billions and billions of other suns/planets in our Universe. Astonishing!
  14. Good luck mate.
  15. Hah, shut up you Gold Nova Master! :p Ahuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
  16. UMMM OKAY... MASTER GUARDIAN ELITE W/ 10 WINS :OOOOOOOOOOOO & YAY! I didn't even think that was possible, I was thinking I'd get GN3/ Gold Nova Master :D
  17. Happy birthday to the both of you :)
  18. Good luck, West pretty much covered what you need to do.
  19. So I solo queued... Went pretty well! xD
  20. Umm, Good luck mate. Could've wrote a bit more I guess.
  21. So ummm, at the start of the game I was doing 1-8. They were winning 9-1. I went into uber skill mode and wrecked them :/ However the rest of the team didn't :c Only got a tie for that :'( By the way, where I say "jesus christ" that's only because this guy had no defuse kit (2spooky4me) with like $5000 at the time, and he literally defused it with half a second before it exploded, the beeper stopped beeping then it went for the kaboom noise but nooo, we got lucky!
  22. When Cloudy + Quantum play together... :D (Quantum = Chip)
  23. Good luck, definitely admin material! :)
  24. Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Matthew What is your in-game name?: Cloudy How old are you?: 15 (18/04/2000) What is your primary server?: Deathrun. What is your B3 CID?: @30 What is your Steam?: and (My nub vac'd account xD) What makes you a good admin?: Most importantly would be my experience in having being an admin before, I'm also quite mature and have fun whilst in-game. I'm on deathrun everyday usually 1-4 hours a day. I'm always open for people to come and ask me for help and am always friendly! I truly respect everyone within the community regardless if they annoy me or not, I'm quite chilled and relaxed and a person and rarely cause arguments within the servers. I follow the rules and try to enforce them when I can; never going overboard when trying to tell someone not to do something and try to remain my "cool". I'm a trustworthy person in which has had experience with B3, and as I've said am pretty experienced in being an Administrator, so I'm know what I'm doing when it comes to being an Admin! What skills do you have?: I don't have many skills which may benefit Raid as a whole, but I'm willing to learn if required. I know very minimal amounts of GSC. I'm currently learning how to perfect Cinema 4D & After Effects as that's the type of thing I'd like to do when I eventually get a job. I'm also a beginner at UE4 (still learning how to blueprint) and have been working on different 3D scenes for a while and have finally produced something I'm proud of. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I've been at a few, and have been known for "Applying for a community as soon as I join one" And I would very much like to get rid of that reputation. Now the communities/clans I've been in are as followed; Raid, TwS, BwR, uP+||, Blur, JoKe and a few more which I can't remember the name of. I apologize for coming across as someone who's lets say "Only in it for the rank" and haven't applied for anything in a long old time. Why should we choose you?: I've reported a few hackers via the tickets system and have reported quite a few via the shoutbox. I'll try to be more active in Teamspeak as I don't really talk much whilst gaming as I'm either listening to music VERY loudly or just not really in the mood to talk. I believe if you add me to the Administration team then I could help out the people who complain about little admins being online to ban hackers, request help, issues or anything you would need in which I could help out. FYI, I'm getting iMtroll to lock this topic as I wouldn't like any reply's to my application as most of them take a detour from the actual point of the application.
  25. Mug