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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. i love me dat kfc chicken
  2. my name is cloudy i'm very frowny my raps are shit because i don't give a crap i don't care about rhymes because i don't fakin care i used to be good at writing poems in year 4 now i'm utter shit - Cloudy Sorry that's really bad. Just got mega bored lol
  3. Hello Dark! :) Welcome back.
  4. Was this an excuse to get 100 posts? xD Anyway I read it and it's not a bad story tbh.
  5. Fak u, I didn't know :L Just thought it looked kewl :'( Dunt maek moi cri
  6. First day of year 11 was good. However at lunch I went to kick the ball and something clicked in my leg. Now makes it very painful to walk and not sure if I should tell anybody or not :L

    1. BosnianArmy


      Number 1 stupidity to not tell your parents first that something happend in your leg.

    2. Fedzor


      I think you're the only person i've seen have a bad day today :dave:

    3. Sentrex


      Meh, just rest for a day. If it still hurts then go see someone

  7. Right. School tomorrow :/ Year 11 here I come.

    1. BosnianArmy


      Good luck Staab and Cloudy

    2. Zack


      Year 11? I'm older than you and i'm in 10th grade. Are the grades different?

    3. Cloudy


      Yup. You're 16/15? I'm 15 going into year 11, then turning 16 in April

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  8. Me too. Would love to be apart of a team c:
  9. tl;dr @@jwofles :c
  10. Well that's a big fat kick in the face.
  11. I'm not sure this can be classed as an issue, but just noticed it when accidentally clicking the "policy" button, and it's rather annoying xD. Can be what!? JUST WHAT? :angryarnold:
  12. My doctor is Dr.Wang lmao I've pissed in the shower when I had that tiny bit left and was irritating me so much I just let it out.
  13. Hello everyone. Upon trying to compile the reflections for my map, it loads up as normal however then says "mp_tool.exe has stopped working" and shuts down. Screenshot: Is there anything I can do about this?
  14. Zen. Been with them for years and they don't have any limit on them. We pay for unlimited and get what we can get, and it's because we live in the countryside and live far away from our exchange (green box with all the wires nd shit) People up the road get about 15-20mb because they're on a different cabinet/exchange.
  15. me pls, i'll suck it twice.
  16. An update. Upload is getting better for some reason :D, download is decreasing slightly. However that could be because of the thunderstorms lately.
  17. csgo hacker
  18. Hello.
  19. May sound stupid but just run it as administrator, worked when this happened to me.
  20. +1 to this, I'm getting into codjumper a lot more now! You should do more competitions like this :D. Even though I could only get past the 6th bounce, it was still fun and it actually populated the codjumper server. pls, just pls do moar cj/surf/kz competitions.
  21. Try to go for a more subtle approach if you're going to make menu's. Try to look for a carbon fibre like background with little going on. IMO good first try.
  22. Got 318 with 1-3. With 125 my best is 317 :angryarnold:
  23. This is for the PS4 only. In order to enter you must obviously have a PS4 and have to reply to this post with anything you may like. All the names will be in a random generator to determine the winner! Apologies that this is for PS4 only. I have one beta code to give away! The beta codes will be given away tomorrow at any given time. I'll PM the user with the code ;) (Just so you have time to download the damn thing)
  24. Eh, I guess i'll just post it on reddit, or saving me the trouble just give it to @Jamayka ;D Guess you've won as I can't be bothered to make a post on reddit. Also because the beta is only a few days long so I wanted to give it away today to give the person at-least a day of playing it. Apologies guys, just got an email from Call of Duty saying you have three codes. I've PM'd you btw @Jamayka with the code. Remember not to use the -'s once you enter it on le PS4.