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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. rite ezpz, i shall update my post with me doing it soon :> You guys get a head start since I'm going out today! Good luck everyone ;)
  2. :> not just .com noob
  3. That's not what I'm saying Anti. All I'm saying is that tickets should be a last resort (obviously you would record them because admins need evidence in-case they make a ban appeal) and then you tell an admin once you've recorded it, which is much quicker than making a ticket. However if you have no contact with an Admin+ then you can always make the ticket.
  4. Making a ticket is too time consuming and should really be a last resort if you can't alert an admin via TS3/Shoutbox imo.
  5. Are you building one from scratch or upgrading your current PC?
  6. #called it
  7. Saying thanks? Because the things you're talking about are easy. B3 is a pain in the arse but is relatively easy once you know how to do it. Just don't give out admin to people as you don't know how they'll behave once they gain 100 on b3/get rcon/get ftp access to your server then you're fucked I know Lossy is gonna be like "lol" when I say this, but hit me up on steam if you like, I can help you. (either downvotes or hate incomming, but idgaf)
  8. Well I know this is late but get well soon Loki, get off ya fakin phone and watch some Simpsons or a series of films! Something to make you chill and take your mind off of things :>
  9. 2000-20** Every year is a good year for me, this is being genuine and I've never really had a bad year as every year (for me) has very good times, and very bad times. I just love my life, it's great and I appreciate it so much just being here. (FYI, I'm full of wonder and love to think about what else is in the universe! I love the whole concept of space and all of the billions of planets inside it) Also really looking forward to the new game called "No Man's Sky" I'll be the one exploring every planet and kicking some AI ass with my ship!
  10. You have some top notch song taste mate :> +1 for all!
  11. mhm cool
  12. Oh my god...
  13. sorry this is completely off topic but what the fuck is that signature? I mean, dafuq.
  14. Heyo Porky, you obviously know me :> Welcome to Raid and have fun (even though you don't play CoD4 anymore) You actually started Deathrun exactly one year before me lol, I started January 20th 2013 ;P
  15. So you're saying !screenshot player would mean that it would force them to do a /screenshotjpeg, then how would that in itself upload to a website? It's a nice idea, gl with it
  16. Congratulations to Raid, and a massive thanks to the Founders! Also a thanks to @iMtroll as without him Raid wouldn't be here any more, so thanks to both the Founders! & @iMtroll! Also lets not forget the whole Raid admin team! They've been brilliant and it was great to be apart of it when I was, so I'd like to say thanks to all of those guys for making the server free of hackers, and making the server a fun place to be! Live on Raid!
  17. Dis 3840x1080 desktop background doe!
  18. Welcome to Raid, enjoy your stay and have fun on all servers! Come try out deathrun some time, quite a fun mod :>
  19. Did you open cases to get that or? Cus me wants, going to put 20-30 quid in me account soon. I have no screenshots tbh, for some reason my H key doesn't work in CSGO therefore I can't do screenshot, just says screensot -.- And I got banned again for the servers not allowing me to rejoin :c Eh.
  20. Welcome to Raid! Enjoy your stay m8. Doubt I'll see you in-game as I'm not installing CoD4 on my computer again, might just have a little break. Anyway, nice to meet you.
  21. After three days of downloading that fucking update for GTA 5, it still runs like horse shit. Thanks rockstar, fix your game you cunts.

  22. Your motherboard jack could be fucked or if you're using a sound card, try plugging it into any different colours, because when I had a sound card, my leads were green & pinky/red but on my sound card there was a blue, pinky/red, green and black, and it turned out I needed to put it in the blue jack for some odd reason, even though the lead from my headphones were pinky red. This may not help at all but you sound to have similar problems as I did. If any of that doesn't work, try putting the headphones in a different computer/laptop. That always determines whether its your actual headphone or something to do with the computer (i.e the headphone jack being fucked up)
  23. Just got Windows 10 (The version just before release, don't worry, this comes with the upgrade to Windows 10 Pro once fully released :>) Initial thoughts are good, basically Windows 7 with a modified start button and easier access to Account/System files. The task view is pretty cool, adding new desktop is great if you only have one monitor, however if you have more then I don't see the point of it, but it's a nice idea tbh as not many people have dual/triple monitor set-ups.

    1. siikdude


      i thought the update was only 400mb

    2. Caspa


      how did you dl gta on your net?:P

    3. Cloudy


      I had it on disc xD

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  25. Fablous? English pls I'll probably get Windows 10 cus, well, I like having the latest everything tbh xD