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About Cloudy

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 04/18/01

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  • Location
    In Norfolk, England.
  • Interests
    Table Tennis, Football, Gaming, Deathrun :3, Pool + Snooker!

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  1. Sorry for my inactivity, and there's a pretty good reason :D Well, in south east england, on friday (6 days ago) the was a storm, and it hit my area pretty hard, and caused the BT Modem to fail, but typically, my dad's on holiday in turkey, so I went without internet for a week (i was laik keill mei) and then yesterday, my dad came back, and then the BT guy fixed it all, and noaw I have internet :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Headdy


      Argh, sucks bud

    3. Headdy


      I hope you're okay btw :O

    4. Cloudy


      We're fine, my nan was here to cook me dinner etc, and she was shit scared, it was hilarious.

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