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Posts posted by PC.

  1. Hey nubs (Anti)


    I came here to do an intro since I never made one think I did on the old forums dunno :D


    Well I am a 16 year old (Act 3 1/2). I like to play CoD4 all day cause I have a poo laptop and can't play paint or calculator. I also like to do some scripting on my free time and edit deathrun to make it the way I want cause I am cooler than Lossy mostly. I am maybe gonna build a PC this summer but I'm not sure since I am a poor kid (Everyone has money but me in my family xD) I will try and be more active just seem to be working on stuff right now for deathrun :>. Also I like to DDoS Raid with my Loic and cmd @ 12 kb/s which takes the whole server down. :troll:


    Ask me a question if you want to know more about me (Like anyone cares) 


    Also it smells like Lossy still :sponge:


  2. I have a pic of lossy just go on "Google.com" and type "LOIC DDOS" then go to images then VOILA M8 




    But Lossy stahp posting when you can't post your face m8 I'll ddos if you don't and ban m8 dunt mak me!
