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Everything posted by MegaPixarius

  1. Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Jahongir , but I usually go with Jack What is your in-game name?: Megapixarius How old are you?: 20 What is your primary server?: Raid Fun What is your B3 CID?: @12755 What is your Xfire?: megapixarius What is your Steam?: megapixarius What makes you a good admin?: I prefer playing by rules. Rules are there to make the game simpler and fair, and so they apply to everyone. People breaking them make it unfair to others, and that is one of things I do not like the most. I have been on playing on RaidFun for other 6 months now, and met lots of good players, most of whom i respect. Most of the time, there are players who recognize and greet me, and to me they have become good competitors, and I always enjoy fighting someone stronger as to both improve my won and other peoples skills. What skills do you have?: I believe I have no skills which might be used right now, but if I have to, I will learn and happily assist anyone with anything I am capable of. Right now, I am only applying to enforce rules in RaidFun, but in the future, if I am asked to, I will improve and be able to do more for the Raid community. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been in thc clan before coming to Raid Why should we choose you?: Because there are cheaters in RaidFun sometimes, and I am ready to deal with them. I do not like people breaking rules. I am an honest person, always try to be fair, and really, really, do not like people breaking rules. If I am chosen, I will try my best in assisting community members and others with whatever I am capable of doing. I also plan on learning a lot of things, as well as improve whatever skills I might have.
  2. Hi people. I would like to cancel my application. It seems i will be going back home soon and do not know when I will be able to be back in forums and servers again. And so what is the point of being an Admin if im not online. I am sure I will be back sometime, and hopefully there will be another admin application open. ps. I do not know how to delete this topic, so someone please do cancel it.
  3. thanks for luck :D
  4. Hi. I have seen many incidents when there aren't many people playing on Raid Fun at specific times, and so when only 4 or so people are online, they decide to do knifes or some specific weapon only. This idea goes pretty well until someone new joins and decides to break this 'rule' and uses any weapon. As a result, previous players get 'angry'. My proposal: When there are very few people, maybe 6, maybe 4 (depends on what people think and admins decide), when half or more people agree to it, everyone has to use a specific weapon only. If minority still decides to ignore( usually 1 player), s/he is kicked out. My arguments: Some maps are big and not interesting when there are only 2 players in each team. And so, for example, using knifes or shotguns only makes it melee or short range fights. And it is easier to find each other. ~MegaPixarius
  5. What I meant is that in big maps, it is hard to find people, because they camp or hide good. If it is short range weapons only, they tend to jump around and its easier to find each other. And so easier to kill, get points, and move on to next map.
  6. Congrats!!
  7. was working my way up from rank 53 to 50 (as Megapixarius).. accidently saw JackR as 46th! so happy im in top 50

  8. Hi!

    Hi, i am MegaPixarius. Nice to meet you all, and I would like to say i am happy to get the chance to play in high jump servers again.
  9. There are few I watch: Vikings Modern Family Peaky Blinders House of Cards and SHERLOCK!!!!
  10. Hi!

    hahaha, i had some studying stuff to do. now im back! get ready to die
  11. Haven't visited the website for a couple of months... came back and it is chaos!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman


      Blame :imtroll:

    3. Anti


      Lossy made the coffin, Darmuh shoveled a hole, and iMtroll strikes the final nail in the coffin :troll:

    4. iMtroll


      I dug up the corpse and revived it ;_;

  12. update signature... any complaints?

    1. Tilak


      Put capital A in african :angryarnold:

    2. BosnianArmy


      yes, its blurry >:

  13. I AM BACK!!!! ... back to school.... back to boring life...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MegaPixarius


      well i just turned a senior in college... still, 10 day winter break an 12 hour time change twice is not cool!! :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold:

    3. Anti


      Eh, not too bad :trollingarnold:

    4. Beatthat


      Enjoy school while you can :) There're lots of people that wish they'd still go to school, but instead work all day.

  14. Hi, this topic is about your favourite food! sth u tried, u liked, and would recommend to others! plus add the retaurant or other place where you would recommend it! (1 place per food) if possible, post 1 - 3 foods! no more, no less (no less than 1) :D (there are other 'fav' topics, i hope this one will be interesting) remember, humans need good food to survive! and continue playing CoD4 and WoW. Here's mine: 1. Kalbsgeschnetzeltes , Zeughauskeller Restaurant [Zurish, Switzerland] (basically sliced veal and mushrooms with sauce and kosti potato) very yummy! 2. Spatenhaus an der Oper Restaurant [Munich, Germany] (any food is awesome, right taste, right size, and right food] 3. Chicken Katsu Curry, Wagamama [can be found in Europe and Middle East] (it is one of best places to eat noodles or rice food, too bad there is none in Cali)
  15. Happy happy Birthday!!
  16. Bear has a face!!! :horror: :horror: :horror: and he seems happy!! :horror: :horror: :horror: :horror: :horror: :horror:
  17. don't know who that is!
  18. rn't u tired of hitting on her? imagine how bad she might look in 5 or 10 years? :troll:
  19. Hi, good to know ur out there! just feels strange when i get friend request, then find out u exist, then u introduce urself :)
  20. Good bye people! will be back next month.... have fun!

    1. Anti


      Have fun and adios

    2. *Fire


      Have fun! See ya :)

  21. lws in UK and austria probably differ, so its an international issue))
  22. no, i tried it..... its no good, i prefer cat bacon
  23. I always thought u would be north european or sth, with white hair!! what a let down
  24. i know, i have beeneating food around the world since i was 1 !!!, and honestly.... british cook the worst food. I have been in 16 countries, and eaten food belonging to more than 30 countries, and my 3 years in England were the worst... good thing turkish and chinese cuisines were around :lol:
  25. i like the fact that english eat lots of international food: french fries (fish and chips) belgium waffles anything else? lol