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Everything posted by NNJ

  1. I sent darmuh a script for this ages ago :P edit: he posted it a few seconds before me :(
  2. you mean like my server? again, my server does this. My server also has highjump and I have done several things to keep the raid fun server and my server from being too similar. My server was made before raid fun and I would really appreciate if you wouldn't copy what I am doing.
  3. floating brushes :(
  4. Done: http://raid-gaming.net/servers/ It's a bit slow right now, I'll speed it up later :D
  5. Had to buy waw again cause can't find cd key :( I'll be on in a few minutes =D Edit: I'll also add it to the raid server list... just gimme some time to make a query system for waw =D
  6. sounds like headdy
  7. used to have a drinking problem so my liver probably sucks... a lot D: stopped drinking when I was 23 or 24, now I drink again but not as much as before :S
  8. how the hell is the upload so good when the download is so bad?? :o
  9. braxnub using ice to cool the tits when it uses just as much energy to make the water into ice :dumb:
  10. My desktop looks really similar to my laptop, but here's how it looks :D
  11. brb killing darmuh

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jwofles


      ew that's horrible cloudy.


    3. Zack


      somebody has a fetish ;)

    4. jwofles


      yea god zack put a bloody shirt on


    5. Show next comments  6 more
  12. I just drank 1 liter of marijuana

  13. I did this to iCore actually c:
  14. he was sending it to me lol
  15. You remind me of my ex girlfriend on her period :d
  16. http://www.downloadmoreram.com/
  17. Alright guys, here it is: Promod LIVE 2.20 EU RAW By NNJ and Kubu This is promodlive2.20 with the script formatted (Yes, the formatting isn't great but I did what I could. When I improve formatting I always update the zip so try checking back every so often) Please take a look at the readme, this is not built from the link above, it was actually made from scratch by Kubu and I.
  18. I meant in the post like: [+] - Added some server side functions for future (thanks nnj) :o
  19. new functions c:
  20. http://bit.ly/1keJMtb fixed link, ipb doesn't seem to like the long one. good luck c:
  21. gave it to darmuh :D