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About sebemccord2

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    Junior Member

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  1. My Name: Sebastian My In Game: [nC]Sebe My Age: 15 My Primary Server: Both My B3 CID: 146 My Skype: XxSabeastXx My Steam: sebemccord2 What Makes Me A Good Admin: I know the b3 commands well enough to enforce/make a ban.I am frenquently on Deathrun, and fun server. Alot of times even when i'm not playing I will be in spectator watching for hackers. I also have the comon sense to know when something is unfair to another player. What Skills Do I Have: I dont Script Or Mod But if i need to learn them i would if needed What Clans I been in: i was in pXg i quit cause that server got boring, im in Call of duty elite FaZe on xbox 360 and ps3, i was EXTREMLEY Active. Now im a member of nC. Why Should You Accept Me: I think you should choose me because i love the raid community, i join each server almost daily. I frequently watch the funserver for hackers so i can make a demo and send it in to an admin. Sometimes (alot of the time) when i'm doing homework i will spectate in the fun server and watch out for hackers, i have sent in numerous demos (i still have them if you need to see them). I know the b3 commands well enough to make/enforce a ban, I am friends with most if not all the admins, I would like to think i have a good sense of humor. If i am given the privilege to moderate in the raid community i am sure you will not be disappointed with me.I will send in demo if you wan i havent yet Thanks For Your Time and reading this hope you have a good day.