The C3

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About The C3

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  1. Thank you all ( mostly Lossy :)!) oh and, People* :p
  2. Alot of peopel seem to be having rank problems. For example losing there rank's and kills. And alot seem to be having trouble logging in. There are a few minor bugs that should be worked on and fixed, all this topic has to say, and lets try to find out... why. :) thank you, tyackman (C3)
  3. Do you accept the requirements?: Most besides age. What is your real name?: Ty Ackerman What is your in-game name?: Raid|C3 How old are you?: 12 What is your primary server?: Raid Deathrun What is your B3 CID?: @20908 What is your Xfire?: tyackman What is your Skype?: tyackman What is your Steam?: tyty311 What is your Origin?: None What makes you a good admin?: I would be a good admin, as to my ability to handle complex situations in a short amount of time, understand the commands, and I understand the responsibility's of being an admin. What skills do you have?: I have skills in multiple catagory's, but my most practised skill/ability is in design of maps. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been in many deathrun and zombies clans, including FNRP. Why should we choose you?: I believe that I could be a great new addition to Raid's staff, although I am young, according to the requirements, acceptions are made for age. I myself am a very responsible, and mature person, with the prior experience of being staff on a deathrun server, and owning my own for a short period of time.
  4. Good luck!