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About sxk

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  • Birthday 06/10/00

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    sxk CoD4

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  1. The problem that was causing this has probably been fixed in cod4x
  2. The message on the server says: Raid and pxg will be merging during this month, does this mean the merge is going to be done by tomorrow or is it going to merge during October?
  3. That reminds me so much of this.. idek
  4. The animations fuck them up tbh, the actual weapons themselves look ok imo
  5. Pamaj said in his video that he went for the 'crash bounce' (guessing he means the Heli bounce) and couldn't hit it. He also said Hutch tried some and they didn't work. Seems like they unfortunately patched them
  7. CM Storm Quickfire TK
  8. I'm going to get my eyes checked right now.
  9. Never said it wasn't a bug did I? Something has to be done about this indeed I read it again, how does one prone on a ladder?
  10. This only happens if there is people in ghost mode. It doesn't show the killcam when there is still jumpers (including ghosts) alive. Pretty sure this was done intentionally because the player count was very low for such a long time. How does one prone on a ladder? Not a bug but would be cool to see a feature like this added
  11. OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit CPU: Intel Core i7 6700k @ 4.0GHz CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212X GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 980 RAM: 16GB HyperX Fury DDR4 2400MHz (Dual-Channel) HDD: 1TB Seagate 7200 RPM MOBO: MSI Z170-A PRO PSU: CM 600W