
Retired Admin
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Status Replies posted by Zack

  1. Finally cleared of mono and I'm now diagnosed with tendinitis of the wrist and elbow, fun times ahead 

  2. #RIP Dramaalert

    1. Zack



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Tax returns coming around, gonna upgrade my computer, hopefully a new GPU, RAM, and HDD. ^-^

    1. Zack


      Congrats on the money you gave to our awful government

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Fuck off, you'd just say anything to piss me off because for some reason I couldn't give a fuck about you don't like me.

  5. The moment you realise you fucked up is when you wake up to see your sister, half naked next to you in bed sleeping without knowing how she got there :/

  6. The moment you realise you fucked up is when you wake up to see your sister, half naked next to you in bed sleeping without knowing how she got there :/

  7. actually being really happy and comfortable with your life after 3 years of not is the greatest feeling ever

    1. Zack


      cyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyatcyka blyat

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Football game on the 28th, all nighter with a friend on the 29th for halo 5 for 3 days, going to bball games. Fuck yes.

    1. Zack


      how does being social feel? i wouldn't know keek

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. don't join this promod server - - appears to force some commands on you when you spawn as well report it to gametracker as well please:

  10. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  11. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

    1. Zack


      i don't know how you want us to help if you're so fucking picky lol

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  12. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

  13. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored