
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. thats weird, they might work hand in hand with security i guess. you play WoW or overwatch?
  2. uses shooting macros in cod
  3. I found this idea on another site and thought you might have some fun with it. Make a sentence from 5 letters in the order they are given Say for example, the first person gives a series of letters e.g D S L D F That can become Darmuh smells like dirty fish. Try It so; the letters for the next person are C A M P S Once you solve one, you must put the next set of letters.
  5. bye
  6. hmu aswell if you need help, miss doing mapping and shit like that
  7. dank map mang do more stuff with this area of brushes my pal
  8. Can't really blame you, everything's fading 1 by 1, csgo has taken a majority of raid's time bye tho
  9. meme anyways, had to dress up for school lol
  10. ayy sup boi
  11. why wouldn't i screenshot it
  12. are you fucking illiterate? thats because i thought cod4 mattered k-e-k
  13. why did i ever want that lmao but congrats on the community which was created for the now almost dead game, cod4. :^)
  14. i think he's a bit heated boys
  15. ;)
  16. did this kid eat the cheesecake factory?
  17. How would secret santa work though nobody maps anymore. deathrun's dead amirite?
  18. i dont see you posting your face so like i'd stop anyways:
  19. Hey man, I wish you the best of luck in the future, you've brought some great laughs to this community, and I hope to see you around in the future. By the time you get back, i'll be on Fnatic or something so don't be to jealous :^) bye bye ;)
  20. yeah, i believe so, they said it violates some shit i think
  21. that plugin was banned by valve lol