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Everything posted by Zack

  1. I feel like this sounds more like a mod, and would work better as a mod.
  2. gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8! Let me elabor8 your b8. It's gr8, it must have been f8 for you to cre8 that b8. I'm N8, and I'm str8 ir8. cre8 more b8, I can't w8. Anyways, good map dude.
  3. Hmm, that's it? Looks like it might of stopped the bsp a bit to early..
  4. You can try the following: -Run the Modtools as administrator. -Go to Steam/SteamApps/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\bin\CoD4CompileTools/cod4compiletools_compilebsp.bat (or your own cod4 path) and backup the .bat on your desktop, recreate it, (text document, same file name, just change .txt to .bat) and replace it with this: This will make it pause at the end, when your BSP is done compiling. You can also do the same for your fast file builder, but, just add the word "pause" at the end, or in the middle/near end. If you can somehow follow this, here's the file you need, just replace it with the one already in Steam/SteamApps/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\bin\CoD4CompileTools/cod4compiletools_compilebsp.bat (or your own cod4 path) BSP: This will make the BSP stop, so you can look though the Log, and find any errors.
  5. Tons of places to learn to script the elevator and such as: is one of them.
  6. Startdoor() { brush1 = getEnt("startdoor_1", "targetname"); brush2 = getEnt("startdoor_2", "targetname"); wait 12; brush1 moveZ (1200, 3.5); brush2 moveZ (-1250, 3.5); brush1 waittill ("movedone"); brush2 waittill ("movedone"); }
  7. What's wrong with that music? I love chilled music like that :3 Anyways, i'm also more of a rock guy, was grown up in the presence of my dad listening to multiple rock albums, here's a personal favorite: Just came out like 2 weeks ago.
  8. Helped him though skype, everything's fine now. If you wondering what the problem was, his fast file said, COD4PATH was expected at this time. What happened was, for some reason, it was a permissions problem, and he had to run the compile tools as administrator.
  9. >gsv Anyways, what happens when you create the fast file?
  10. AYYYYYYYYYYE, 10000 POSTS! Edit: Fuck, I lied.. This is 10001.
  11. tfw you black out "not ;_:"
  12. Teach people to "learn2map" then.
  13. implying there's a god. hueheuheuheuhe preparing for shitstorm! 3...2....1! SHITSTORM GO!
  14. couldunot
  15. Deathrun is a classical mod in which a single player fights alone against the other team, his only weapons are his deadly traps. The players in the opposite team have to kill the activator after finishing his course without dying. Call of Duty: Combined Operations is a big mod project for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare with one goal in mind. To give players the possibility of using weapons from many of the later titles, like Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 2 and Ghosts. You can read up more on this mod at
  16. Well, you have to have picture proof for the communitys managers that you were that level. Only so people don't fuck the comm managers over with fake levels.
  17. Answers to your questions - Number 1- The IprintlnBold function prints on the players screen. If you use self IprintlnBold, yes, it only prints the message to the player that triggered it. For your second question, instead of manually giving the activator xp, just use the addTriggerToList function: thread AddTrigsToList(); addTriggerToList( name ) { if( !isDefined( level.trapTriggers ) ) level.trapTriggers = []; level.trapTriggers[level.trapTriggers.size] = getEnt( name, "targetname" ); } AddTrigsToList() { addTriggerToList("trigger_trap1"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap2"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap3"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap4"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap5"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap6"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap7"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap8"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap9"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap10"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap11"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap12"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap13"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap14"); addTriggerToList("trigger_trap15"); } Just make sure to take out any you don't use/add more. And change trigger_trap1, trigger_trap2, etc, to whatever your trigger names are. This function manually gives the activator xp, when the trap is activated. Same thing for your teleport, just add the teleport trigger to list, and boom, there's the xp. And, finally. You needed an endroom script, so here ya go, just change all the trigger names and the name of the script. and you're good to go:
  18. Looks like there is a limit on youtube videos in a post, Could one of the community managers change that limit to a bit higher please?
  19. Since Siik doesn't think it's a good idea. /Locked
  20. Ah, was confused. Thought he was complaining for him wanting to add it.
  21. This is a suggestion thread. He wants the map added to the server, so he thought he'd ask here, which you are supposed to do when you feel a certain map should be added to the deathrun server. It's not like he made the map, just he likes it and wants it to be added.
  22. Please stop going offtopic. Anyways, I personally don't like the map. Would not recommend it.
  23. The links aren't valid anymore. I doubt anybody has the download links/prefabs anymore because they were atleast 8 years old. PS: If anybody could find a download link to Maya 8.5, it would be greatly appreciated.