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Everything posted by Zack

  1. That has been thought about before, but it won't follow though probably because of BraXi not working on deathrun anymore, and money wise.
  2. Sorry guys.. I think it's to big of an issue to fix :S
  3. Bitches is the craving hungry. (wat) D A Y U M
  4. On the old forums, there was one of these threads, and today, I got bored and decided to add some triggers to list on maps that didn't have them. So if you need them, here you guys go for oreo if you didn't have it already lol: mp_deathrun_oreo-
  5. I rekt running on Yogurt. T U R D S
  6. Explain? ;-;
  7. Crap.. I forget how to do that.
  8. Freddie is shit head (lol idk) L I G H T
  9. Lossy orbits on pluto! D O G E
  10. I think I figured out the problem. I just decompiled indipyramid's scripts, and they are REALLY MESSY. Well, compared to mine I think. He does his teleports sort of a weird way.
  11. Only because you can't play it right ^ A E I O U
  12. You messed up the song... 999 bottles of milk on the wall, 999 bottles of milk, take one down, pass it around, 999 bottles of milk on the wall!
  13. Maybe because you can't play it right? One, you didn't solve mine, Two, I N D I A N is 6 letters... Three, There isn't a spoiler myCode yet lol
  15. Penis enlargement nonsense is senseable.
  16. Might of not made this clear in the post, make sure to put five new letters after you make the phrase!