
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. I suck.
  2. OH MY GOD. SUCH WORDS. VERY TOUCHING 11/6.3 MANY WOWS. Dark's my bae man<4 He would be a great admin, really cool dude in my opinion. Never had any problems with him, overall cool guy. Good Luck man!
  3. ;__; u kno wat i meen aunti
  4. Your grammar makes me cringe ;_; Anyways, Good Luck!
  5. Any way you could make something similar from Garry's Mod? You import the image.
  6. Because you're a bad player Dark. :troll:
  7. wat :ohyeah:
  8. Well, I can act my age, unlike you. But that's not the point, I was accepted because they feel i'm mature enough for admin. On the other hand, work on getting your posts up without spam, then reapply.
  9. He annoys me greatly, spammed me and Grezwal to buy VIP. Asked to trade a Steam Card for ViP about 100 times in the deathrun server, overall, he's a kid who doesn't act his age, and really wouldn't be suitable for admin.
  10. Welcome to the Forums Panic! Enjoy your stay.
  11. Thanks Man :) Congrats, Indian and DeadEcho!
  12. OKAY LISTEN UP YA FGTS. ( Most Lossy or Thomas ;_; ) ANYWAYS, I WAS SAD WHEN I WENT ON THE SERVER AND MY NUMBER WAS RESET. I USED TO BE 2, THEN LOSSY WAS NUB AND MOVED ME TO 3 AND HIM TO 2. BUT I WAS LIKE YANO DAS COOL I GUEESSS, BUT TODAY, I HAD TO REGISTER AGAIN AND I WAS VERY SAD VERY VERY SAD INDEED. SO IN CONCLUSION: can i have my @3 back... ;_; PS: I ain't even this mad. But really, I would appreciate if I could get it back :/ I know this isn't a big deal, but I loved my 3 3
  14. Anti = Pop-Tart :)
  15. Em, I have a request for the title of this thread to be changed to, "DaRK$oUL's Dank-Ass Application #swag" kthx
  16. Indian, you're beautiful. Nah, jk. lel. but here's me :3 :')
  17. I like the smoke. it's looks cool. beat should keep the smoke. stop complaining. lel
  18. 25 years and my life is still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope, For a destination!
  19. Now, I gotta go alright. F E A R Z
  20. My guess is that isn't going to be brought back up? It was originally supposed to be staying up until the 30th of January guess BraXi just won't pay for something when a new forum will be created anyways. :p