
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. that moment when no tl;dr anyways, i was just kidding when i said he was sucking troll's dick. i said it yesterday in ts too. 'twas just a rood joke jesus
  2. i agree, congrats west he sucked some troll dick
  3. i came a little
  4. No better feeling then Mercy Ruling a team in baseball. 17-5 :D

    1. ~Budzy~
    2. Zack


      About 8-9 years. Skipped last year. Biggest mistake of my life. Was bored as shit.

    3. jeffskye


      I play it for 10-11 years now.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. top I should say lol instead Edit: killing myself
  6. prepare 2 b sp00ked c;
  7. Chrissy<3
  8. only thing he's good for is bitching
  9. you don't own this forum buddy, let it go. if you want to be le douchebag, is your place
  10. I mean, I didn't even do it in an actual match, but I do hate smurfs. I don't mind it in the same elo level, like gold nova II and gold nova I, but LEM smurfing as a gold nova 2? fuck off if you're going to do that.
  11. l0lok bud
  12. Mostly because I got sick and tired of smurfs denying me rank ups. I'll probably just get a new account anyways. I played that game say to much anyways. I need a life:P
  13. Oh I know. You'd think I'd learn 700+hour account too look
  14. you found the right topic! you win a sticker!
  15. gotta say, my proudest csgo moment didn't even get my money's worth man, was in a private match. volvo got me
  16. um ty
  17. i thought it was a "post your best csgo screenshots" thread, not a debate about how your gpu and cpu
  18. I believe many of the posts got deleted from the forums due to a database error.
  19. is it normal my hands smell like dog food

  20. site's broken :^)
  21. i clicked the upvote button, but no upvote!?!?!?
  22. /recommend
  23. Bosnian is now in a higher skill group then I am, guess today's the day to kill myself.
  24. Jesus christ the office is AWFUL, Parks and Recreation is much better.