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Posts posted by Zack

  1. Make the Xmodel a script_model, link the clip to the script_model (heli), Make the helicopter move UP to an origin in the sky, make origins for the path you want the helicopter to take. Here's the script:

    	trig = getEnt ("trig", "targetname");
    	heli = getEnt("helicopter", "targetname");
    	clips = getEnt("clipsandshit", "targetname");
    	glow = getEnt ("glow", "targetname");
    	org1 = getEnt ("heli_org1", "targetname");
    	org2 = getEnt ("heli_org2", "targetname");
    	org3 = getEnt ("heli_org3", "targetname");
    	org4 = getEnt ("heli_org4", "targetname");
    	clips enableLinkTo();
    	time = 3;
    		trig waittill ("trigger", player);
    		if (player isTouching(trig))
    			clips linkto (heli);
    			heli moveto (org1.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli moveto (org2.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli moveto (org3.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli moveto (org4.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli unlink();

    Haven't tested it, report here if anything is fucked up with the script.



    So.. like this? :P

    self as players[i] iprintLnBold("^9Badman!");
    self as players[i] GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp");

    LEL :dave:


    Just use what Slaya said before.


    self iprintLnBold("^9Badman!");

    self GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp");


  3. I think that's the one I put in twist Staab. It does work, and is better then what Imagine put im my opinion. Just don't test it in devmap, because in devmap it doesn't register your GUID. But imagine's is just shorter, still works the same.


  4. fire()
    trig = getent("trigger_fire", "targetname");
    dmg = getent("fire_dmg", "targetname");
    dmg maps\mp\_utility::triggerOff();

    fireorg1 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire1.origin);
    fireorg2 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire2.origin);
    fireorg3 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire3.origin);
    fireorg4 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire4.origin);
    fireorg5 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire5.origin);
    fireorg6 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire6.origin);
    fireorg7 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire7.origin);
    fireorg8 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire8.origin);

    trig waittill ("trigger");
    trig delete();
    dmg PlayLoopSound ("fire_barrel");
    dmg maps\mp\_utility::triggerOn();
    triggerFx (fireorg1);
    triggerFx (fireorg2);
    triggerFx (fireorg3);
    triggerFx (fireorg4);
    triggerFx (fireorg5);
    triggerFx (fireorg6);
    triggerFx (fireorg7);
    triggerFx (fireorg8);
    wait 5;
    dmg delete();
    fireorg1 delete();
    fireorg2 delete();
    fireorg3 delete();
    fireorg4 delete();
    fireorg5 delete();
    fireorg6 delete();
    fireorg7 delete();
    fireorg8 delete();

    Just put the origins of where the fire should spawn on the ground, or wherever you want them, the fire will spawn there, and you'll be good, if you want this to loop, and turn on, and off, here's the script for that:

    trig = getent("trigger_fire", "targetname");
    dmg = getent("fire_dmg", "targetname");
    trig waittill ("trigger", player);

      dmg maps\mp\_utility::triggerOff();
      fireorg1 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire1.origin);
      fireorg2 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire2.origin);
      fireorg3 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire3.origin);
      fireorg4 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire4.origin);
      fireorg5 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire5.origin);
      fireorg6 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire6.origin);
      fireorg7 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire7.origin);
      fireorg8 = SpawnFx( level.fire_fx, fire8.origin);
      trig delete();
      dmg PlayLoopSound ("fire_barrel");
      dmg maps\mp\_utility::triggerOn();
      triggerFx (fireorg1);
      triggerFx (fireorg2);
      triggerFx (fireorg3);
      triggerFx (fireorg4);
      triggerFx (fireorg5);
      triggerFx (fireorg6);
      triggerFx (fireorg7);
      triggerFx (fireorg8);
      wait 5;
      dmg delete();
      fireorg1 delete();
      fireorg2 delete();
      fireorg3 delete();
      fireorg4 delete();
      fireorg5 delete();
      fireorg6 delete();
      fireorg7 delete();
      fireorg8 delete();

    But really, like Sentrex said, I would suggest learning to script, instead of asking for everything, will pay off in the long run. Just use zeroy, have a look at map and stock scripts for call of duty, and it should come to you after awhile.


    inb4 error


  5. name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max​,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,seconda​ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage



  6. You can try the following:


    -Run the Modtools as administrator.


    -Go to Steam/SteamApps/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\bin\CoD4CompileTools/cod4compiletools_compilebsp.bat (or your own cod4 path) and backup the .bat on your desktop, recreate it, (text document, same file name, just change .txt to .bat) and replace it with this: 


    :: ###########################################
    :: ###########################################

    set bsppath=%~1
    set mapsourcepath=%~2
    set treepath=%~3
    set mapname=%4
    set parmBSPOptions=%~5
    set parmLightOptions=%~6
    set compileBSP=%7
    set compileLight=%8
    set compilePaths=%9
    set compileVIS=%9
    set mpmap=%9

    if "%parmBSPoptions%" == "-" (
    set parmBSPoptions=

    if "%parmLightOptions%" == "-" (
    set parmLightOptions=

    mkdir "%bsppath%

    if "%compileBSP%" == "1" (

    echo .
    echo .
    echo ###########################################
    echo COMPILE BSP
    echo ###########################################
    echo .
    echo .

    copy "" ""
    "%treepath%bin\cod4map" -platform pc -loadFrom "" %parmBSPOptions% "%bsppath%%mapname%"
    if "%compileLight%" == "1" (

    echo .
    echo .
    echo ###########################################
    echo ###########################################
    echo .
    echo .

    IF EXIST "%mapsourcepath%%mapname%.grid" copy "%mapsourcepath%%mapname%.grid" "%bsppath%%mapname%.grid"
    "%treepath%bin\cod4rad" -platform pc %parmLightOptions% "%bsppath%%mapname%"

    IF EXIST "" del ""
    IF EXIST "%bsppath%%mapname%.d3dprt" del "%bsppath%%mapname%.d3dprt"
    IF EXIST "%bsppath%%mapname%.d3dpoly" del "%bsppath%%mapname%.d3dpoly"
    IF EXIST "%bsppath%%mapname%.vclog" del "%bsppath%%mapname%.vclog"
    IF EXIST "%bsppath%%mapname%.grid" del "%bsppath%%mapname%.grid"

    IF EXIST "%bsppath%%mapname%.lin" move "%bsppath%%mapname%.lin" "%mapsourcepath%%mapname%.lin"
    if "%compilePaths%" == "1" (

    echo .
    echo .
    echo ###########################################
    echo ###########################################
    echo .
    echo .

    cd %treepath%
    sp_tool.exe +set r_fullscreen 0 +set logfile 2 +set monkeytoy 0 +set com_introplayed 1 +set usefastfile 0 +set g_connectpaths 2 +devmap %mapname%


    echo .
    echo .
    echo ###########################################
    echo DONE
    echo ###########################################
    echo .
    echo .



    This will make it pause at the end, when your BSP is done compiling.


    You can also do the same for your fast file builder, but, just add the word "pause" at the end, or in the middle/near end.


    If you can somehow follow this, here's the file you need, just replace it with the one already in Steam/SteamApps/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\bin\CoD4CompileTools/cod4compiletools_compilebsp.bat (or your own cod4 path)




    This will make the BSP stop, so you can look though the Log, and find any errors.



    Judge me as you wish :D (I rarely like more than one song in an album, so this is my favourite song atm.) #chilledvibes

    What's wrong with that music? I love chilled music like that :3


    Anyways, i'm also more of a rock guy, was grown up in the presence of my dad listening to multiple rock albums, here's a personal favorite:



    Just came out like 2 weeks ago.
