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About Frosty

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    Advanced Member

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  1. This whole time I thought his name read AokMonkey lol
  2. Ill donate one of my gtx 770s
  4. I want a master ball Cuz I can't stand tall So I'mma make y'all Go down and fall Mall, call, doll, sole, wait...? So what These be rhyme cuts I'm in a cult Of hairy dudes that look like Drake I may or may not be baked My favorite creepypasta is the rake Oh crap, stepped in crap Wait, is this still a rap Or did I mean ran Oh hey there Stan Not sure if I'm a man Do you have pimples on your dimples So what you say bae Will you marry Beatthat Maybe instead Cat What am I even doing It's like someone else is editing this that name rhymes with Banti but actual name I miss Where's my girl Tris She told me to meet her on the highway at 2:00AM Waiting here cold for my pokeball Hopes now be small I must go to my people now Chow, on this cow You thought I meant chow as in bye Boy you must be dumb or high Cuz this ain't done yet son This edited post by a nub has just begun Actually ignores mine attitudes since I found this girl so fine So chow for real and don't be eating more of this cow Bye dragon ball looking old kai
  6. If you're wondering why raid is so successful. You're welcome. Thats why

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lossy


      When is your next mix tape coming out?

    3. Frosty


      As soon as I make sure its just as successful as I made raid.

    4. Anti


      Drake, you must be baked if you think it'll be as great as how you made raid. Sorry Drizzle, but fo shizzle ya aren't finishing this mix tape

  7. Graduated
  8. Idk where this server would be without me. You're welcome ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Down


      Not on my level though ;)

    3. Anti


      You're right, it's physically and ability wise impossible for someone to get down to your skill level. It's so low that must take underground tactics to come even remotely close downward towards it :P

    4. Frosty


      You guys can thank me for the new server theme btw

  9. I wanna see more of your faces (full homo since anti turned me)
  10. Well it sounds mean but not that mean. It's not a GT. Just a V6 2007 with only 50k miles :p
  11. Bought this instead