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Everything posted by Speedex

  1. Nice work SPi!
  2. http://gyazo.com/fa075f6158d15ce0195ae1172c73a629
  3. Good Luck!
  4. Good and very challenging map! The only thing I dont like is the skybox, it doesnt really fit with the rest of the map imo.
  5. http://gyazo.com/1b0164e288b688913f7e67d93f7f2247
  6. Map name: Overgrown Map size: Small Amount of traps: 5 Map special features (if any): Dem fans Difficulty: Non-activated: Medium Activated: Hard
  7. Name of map: mp_dr_spaceball_v2 Difficulty: medium Length of map: medium Amount of traps: 10 (I guess) Download link: (couldnt find yet, will update if I have found one) Images: http://gyazo.com/7bb4068a715fd90047ae02b7df157b74 http://gyazo.com/93cd0d507f45d9fdcdafaf7dd09a71bd http://gyazo.com/d2766051cf2308b665dde8887dcc63a4 Both maps look like generic deathrun maps, not really special imo. -Speedex
  8. lol? http://gyazo.com/abcc7bad9c9377ab337c0733e6c74dcb
  9. Looks very impressive Sentrex!
  10. Hey all, Map is released! Hope you enjoy it! Map name: Overgrown Amount of traps: 5 Size: Small Difficulty: Medium Endrooms: Old Download: http://www.mediafire...own_release.rar Images: https://gyazo.com/724d1212838e5a91c30fb0f7241133ed http://gyazo.com/80cbf352df2d2e9a5f30521fe23c8e85 -Speedex
  11. http://www.mediafire.com/download/419fng9cgr7cgms/mp_dr_overgrown_release.rar this is the correct one I hope, for some reason the link messes up when I place it in the first post lol Fixed* See first post
  12. See first post
  13. Fixed it!
  14. I really like the theme and looks of the second map, maybe you should`ve added some more details though.
  15. Made a the map a bit more overgrown, added some more stuff. http://gyazo.com/724d1212838e5a91c30fb0f7241133ed http://gyazo.com/2530cc5d16283cecab9756741fd4b186 Download link: -Speedex
  16. Welcome to Raid!
  17. [update] Added some grass patches and such http://gyazo.com/a9a052d7f2a451987124ce0449ac6a4d http://gyazo.com/456a6fdc647a608c445e94fb3fdc5cf9 -Speedex
  18. Things I´m planning to add/remove: [+]Adding more foliage around the map [-]Remove the double fan jump [+]New pathway replacing the double fan jump with likely more traps -Speedex
  19. Thx, yes its inspired by decay. But Im planning to add some more foliage so its looking more like a overgrown place and less like decay :p
  20. Hey, welcome to the forums!
  21. Hey, I have this trap which is suppossed to push player of a edge by moving a trigger upwards for like 7 sec. and then move down again, when players step into the trigger they get bounced sideways of the edge. The problem is that the trigger don't move upwards, but when I noclip into the trigger it still bounces me sideways. Gsc: trap2() { link1 = getent("link","targetname"); //link for moveplayer brush trap2_trigger = getent("trap2_trigger","targetname"); //acti trigger trap2_moveplayer_trigger = getent("trap2_moveplayer_trigger","targetname"); //trigger which pushes players of the edge //trap2_fxorigin = GetEntArray("trap2_water_orig","targetname"); //fx origin array //level._effect["water"] = loadfx ("misc/water_gush_reverse"); //load watergush fx trap2_moveplayer_trigger enableLinkTo(); trap2_moveplayer_trigger linkTo(link1); // Wachten tot op de knop wordt gedrukt trap2_trigger waittill("trigger"); trap2_trigger delete(); //trap2_fxorigin playsound ("mortar_explosion1"); //for( index = 0 ; index < brush.size ; index++ ) //{ // Put a while loop here if you want it to loop //playfx (level._effect["water"], trap2_fxorigin.origin); //} while(1) { trap2_moveplayer_trigger waittill ("trigger",user); if (user istouching(trap2_moveplayer_trigger)) { user braxi\_common::bounce( vectorNormalize( user.origin - (user.origin - (0,-1,0)) ), 500 ); } } link1 moveZ(80,1); wait 7; link1 moveZ(-80,1); wait 1; } I hope someone knows how to solve this. -Speedex Sorry for any grammar errors :ph34r:
  22. Welcome to the forums!
  23. Good luck Kratos!
  24. Hey all, Some of the thicken bevels I made in radiant are showing some weird gaps in them. I hope one of you guys knows how to solve this. -Speedex http://gyazo.com/f0aa046ef8ab7d137f7f304be5acc659
  25. 8 thick.