Do you accept the requirements?: yes
What is your real name?: Colin
What is your in-game name?: *SB*
How old are you?: 16
What is your primary server?: RaidDeathrun
What is your B3 CID?: 19908
What is your xfire?: seabass0914
What is your Steam?: titan0914
What makes you a good admin?: Well, i am determined to crush the dreams of every person that just camps at the spawn of the deathrun round. Many people know me, and know that im not an admin and think that i never will be, therefore i can just go in, find the rule breaker and secretly kick him, and people will be like, "WOW" who just did that, and then i will just be like "deffinetly not me" (wink, wink)..
What skills do you have?: I am a pro at deathrun, and i know how to fix virtually any problem there is... (google may or may not be involved)
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: My clans were: DEA, :PS:, F|A.. communities: Raid.. forums: Raid, DEA, :PS:, F|A, $ilence, kos, and HoH
Why should we choose you?: because i am determind.. i wrote all these questions down by typing instead of copying and pasting, because i couldn't find where the page was for all those, so i was just like, "screw it... this is getting done" (this is 100% true, i was looking at someone elses admin thingy to see the questions that needed to be answered), and i will end this with something very cheesy... I AM DETERMIND TO FIND ALL THE BAD PEOPLE, AND STOP THEM... TO SAVE GOTHAM CITY!... thank you