
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. Mhm, for most is "revision" time or exam time, probably one of the reasons. Another is that if a hacker comes on and no admins are there to help the server basically goes to 0 in minutes, so people aren't interested in joining an empty server (unless their regulars)
  2. Believe slaya is still working on it! me too :3 my idea finally coming to life mwuhahaah >D
  3. hehe, anyways. Welcome to the forums nublet!
  4. I has xbox 360, but i only play it for dem trickshotting games :3 e.g. mw2 and BO2
  5. # Happy bday cledi! party hats on for u :3
  6. Hi!

    Hello and welcome!
  7. Well deserved bandito, deserve a chance!
  8. Found out my friend committed suicide last night, really not in the best of moods guys...might be inactive for a little while.

    1. rednose


      Im sorry for your loss, hope you feel better soon....

    2. Dolph1n


      sorry for your loss purity, hope all will be well for you soon

    3. QueNNch


      damn, sorry to hear that

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  9. 100% sd. Promod tdm is just moronic
  10. hell no, original promod lay-out is the shit :3 Jwofles good suggestion! I think killcam would be good. I don't have many suggestions, as i stated in my suggestion post i think ORIGINAL promod is the best, so nothing much needs to be added IMO (saying from experience tbh) but i understand Raid has to do something to stand out, so good luck :3
  11. Congrats my bae's @@jwofles @ @@West. Deserved admin from all your hard work! Welcome to the admin community :dumb: To @@Kratos Well deserved man, after you got declined last few months or so u persisted and came back strong! So you deserve this chance as admin. Grats to all, and for trials - take this as a hint u need to do more to get admin in Raid :troll: -Purity
  12. Remove all three of these maps and add the ones Triton suggested IMO.
  13. YES TO ALL!
  14. .exe = hacker alert hacker hacker hacker, demoted to banned group and permbanned from servers!!!! inject purity.dll purity.dll injected successfully Press f1 to ban slaya. *f1* :troll:
  15. Socialising with friends (parties etc), exercising, sailing, football (soccer for u USA r'ards), Similarly to Sweg. i enjoy motorcycles too, i ride a ktm 250 exc 2 stroke which i saved shit loads of money for :D Other than friends, food, drink and sports i love GAMING :troll:
  16. After seeing this ingame; i had a great idea! As some of you may know, i was a decent competitive promod player (although i only play for fun now) anyways, i thought Raid could have a promod server! the promod community is HUGE but there are not that many promod servers ( with no pb ) to play on. I think if raid got a promod server it would be popular eventually, expanding the community and getting our name out quick. There is little to none set up, since we have a dedi all we need is a promod mod/source and custom edit some parts to make it Raid Gaming promod (perhaps add/remove some features) It would also give more experience/opportunities for our server admins to do something - there are hackers on promod too yanno, not just FUN :troll: I honestly think this would be a good idea, atleast try it, dont just deny this idea with a reason like "omg so much effort.exe" So, say your comments below. -Purity
  17. why not just download a basic promod mod and change basic shit to make it Raid... we dont need no bullshit hud menu's / new guns / bullshit plug ins. Original promod is the best, some customisation of the mod isnt that hard to do (no i am not going to do it :troll: )
  18. they take a lot more time and effort to do rather than set up a promod server. Plus Troll doesnt have to do it himself, give the task to Lead admins / server managers... honesty doesnt take that long to set up.
  19. Bruh looks sick! Would be honoured to test anything for you
  20. Ok im going to be honest, i actually liked the map from dolphins video. The texture is shit yes, but the map is pretty fun by the looks, bounces, slides, tunnels etc Pretty fun in my eyes! For dr? i dont think so, but a possible candidate for CJ (although the map is very short for a cj map)
  21. As i said it requires little to no money, we have a dedi all we need is the mod and to custom it to Raids Standards. Not true, there are still promod servers that remiain that are always full - as long as its fair and monitored then people will play. To all of you who agree - i salute you!
  22. 2nd and 3rd m8. for the sniper i believe troll was messing about with some ideas for VIP, e.g. 3rd idea is good too.