
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. i like the first one!
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKPfQ_xSX2w its supermoto Enduro btw, i was sending it to friends who ride
  3. enjoy ur vacation mate!
  4. I asked topper to make it for him, because im kindddd :D anyways, i dont speak to u or see u on ts3 that was just my statement, im on every day most of the day speaking to a lot of people except darmuh lossy etc and im just saying i havent spoken to u ! Anyways, i agree with bear. and again, good luck
  5. Good guy, awesome at gfx and active, but does that make him a good admin? im not being negative on HIS account or any other application im just stating facts, has he proved to be a good admin? just my opinion so no hate at all ples. edit: he is also 13, breaking rule of applying (idk if the exception will be made for him) and i havent seen him on ts3 a lot, i think the most important fact is that just because he is good at GFX doesnt mean he will be the best admin Good luck my friend, i wish u the best i honestly do! i dont think my comments are too negative towards you. -Purity
  6. yo

    yo nublet synd <3
  7. '<3' also glad to see ur safe :D dem plane mechanics be trolling :troll: anyways, ill see you on Fun and as Darmuh said, come on DR every so often and get ur skills up, but it IS just for fun :D -Purity
  8. on twitch the sonic characters can go "underground" and dodge all the acti's because of the height, as shown below; Can ANYTHING be done about this? i told them not to glitch but yano obviously nothing changed... thanks! -Purity
  9. also if u use xfire just use scroll lock + s
  10. seen in the DR server a few times, good guy seems fun to play with hai neb :dave:
  11. Amazing mapper, faggot music though change that shit ;) Lovely guy to speak to, follows rules but i havent really seen you tell or warn people for spam / insulting? idk maybe i just havent seen u enough! anyways, /recommended
  12. bump: should be able to donate very soon, money coming in, in about 2 weeks ill have £100+ so ill be giving some to Raid to help out! also for my trusty VIP :dave: -Purity
  13. this + bugs + no. just no.
  14. Hey guys, i know you arent really a promod clan or anything but if you want to record and edit anything here it is! As an editor i have created some pieces and for styx gaming my old clan i did lots of recording and editing for them. I didnt really see a good informed tutorial so i will try my best to help anyone out who need helping recording and editing. SO here it goes, follow these steps and everything should be okay. The first thing you'll need is a few programs: -Cod4 Player -Fraps -Vdub -Huffyuv v2.1.1 (codec for vdub) -Sony Vegas, go google if you want full. -Magic Bullet Suite (Newer version) Also this bind, just paste it in your movie cfg "bind F2 "com_maxfps 30; timescale 0.05" Recording 1. Getting started First of all, make a new profile called "movie" so your gaming profile won't be changed. Then, after you did that, use the "movie" profile and make sure you have Cod4 in windowed mode (to do that, open console and type r_fullscreen 0 and hit enter, then type vid_restart, hit enter and you'll run Cod4 in windowed mode). Now the settings, make sure that you have the same settings like in these pictures: after that open FRAPS and use these settings Now you're gonna set up your cfg, skins etc. for recording. -Firstly, paste your cfg in C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main -For installing skins go to C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\Mods\ModWarfare\images, paste the iwd files, go back to ModWarfare and double click makeMod. So simple. After you did that open up Cod4 Player and enter the mod you use for recording, in my case it's promodlive_movie, it's a custom mod I made for recording, but you can use modwarfare. Now open up a demo and you're good to go. 2. Start recording Now when you open a demo you'll see a yellow number in the top left corner of Cod4. That's Fraps showing your recording FPS. Now execute your movie cfg, to do that open console and type /exec <name of your cfg>.cfg In my case it looks like this: Now when you executed your movie cfg you're ready to record. The main part: When you executed your cfg you'll get killfeed colors, removed hud etc. but it won't last permanently. So to avoid any complications open up the console and make this bind: /bind F1 exec <name of your cfg>.cfg When you are recording hit F1 from time to time so the killfeed colors and hud don't go to stock. 1. Press F1 to execute your movie cfg again. 2. Press F2 to execute your bind, the game will be in slow timescale and the Fraps FPS will drop to 30 FPS. 3. Press the key you set in Fraps for recording. (In my case it's Num + as you can see from the picture above.) When you pressed the key the FPS in the top left corner will be red. That means it's recording. After you've done recording press the key you set in Fraps for recording and it'll stop recording. Now you can close Cod4. Virtual Dub After you closed Cod4 you'll see a new folder on your desktop called "Fraps". In that folder are located the files you recorded, they'll be in .avi. Now you have to open Virtual Dub and open the file(s) in the Fraps folder. After you did that go to Video>Frame Rate and set the Frame Rate to 480 It'll look like this: Now go to File>Save as AVI and it'll start compressing. After the compression is done you are ready to edit in Sony Vegas. Editing Now, before you start up Sony Vegas, you have to put your CC (the .MBLook file you got with your movie cfg) in the right place. To do that, go to C:\Program Files\LooksBuilder\Looks and make a new folder called "CoD4CC" and put your CC in that folder. Now start up Sony Vegas. Firstly, go to File>Open and open the file you recorded. I'm not going to explain the whole editing process, if u want i will create another tut on editing So yeah, that's basically everything basic about recording and editing, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial -Purity
  15. As i wish to be part of this family im trying to prove myself not just in activity, loyalty and skill but also as a purpose, "what can i add to this community" well, i thought of this Raid Youtube channel- this is our community channel which only few (including myself, leaders, management etc) have the password too, i would happily create the channel, spread the word, make an intro for the clan and a background icon etc (basic designs of a channel) E.g. cod jumper montages created, community edits and clips etc The channel would feature any edits / footage / clips / updates of our community it will give us something to do, promote the Raid community and look nice. Suggestions? Do you think this is a good idea? i think it would be a nice little project for us to do NOTE: sorry if there already is a channel and i didnt know xD -Purity
  16. Try and google the answer, but if people try and help you dont insult them or say "thanks for the help" just rude bro
  17. i only made one for styx when i was in that clan for 2+ years i suggested it to AR51 but took no action, now i ask here to try and help Raid? Why be negative about my suggestion?
  18. NICE work, especially the levels and correct items that always annoying, i have to agree - the characters where nice.
  19. Sup

    HEY ! seen u ingame on DR, welcome to forums
  20. this one time I was walking when I saw two hobos fighting in the back of a Denny's parking lot, then Bill Nye exclaimed, "There's a snake....." while pumping a radioactive pump, meanwhile a huge throbbing heartbeat that could shoot Seabass, started shooting Seabass because he ate the special seabass diamond which was located in a woman's purse that was heavily loaded with Uzis and marshmellows with chocolate sauce. Suddenly, a hungry Bear died because he ate the grass which had been exposed to bio-hazardous dog shit. I then went
  21. Personal choice lads, i find it easier to use and i know how to use it this is BASIC recording and editiing and most people are familiar and can easily use fraps :) Although you can use whatever u prefer ;)
  22. Hey guys, I'm 17 my name is Jac (sounds like JACK) and my ingame name is Purity. Im from England, UK - Pretty boring i know but hey-ho. Basically i've been playing CoD from no age, but CoD4 started to sink in when i was about 12 or 13 i think i cant remember, but i have been playing for around 3-4 years, ive always thought it was the most fun with so many different options etc etc. Well ive been in many clans, and had lots of admin experience including : Styx gaming, =LoJ=, kS, JFF, PGR and more. Ive been obsessed with promod and deathrun for years, on promod im around skill med- / med+ but i play for fun mainly, NOTE: you guys should get a promod server ;) Recently been on deahtrun just chilling with you guys and i realised i love the community, so i want to be a part of it! Im associated in editing, gfx, recording and editing montages etc and youtube (my channel = https://www.youtube.com/user/featsaso ) My xfire: jacdude7 (contact me for whatever) I hope to play with you all soon and become part of this community! Peace out gamers, -Purity