
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. herro scrub, welcome
  2. lol i wasnt insulting west, or saying he didnt deserve the role, yes he is a very mature admin but he only gained his admin powers a few weeks ago, it seems like the promotion from trial > admin > lead admin was WAY too quick IMO, and for no actual real reason? Anyways, again, congrats west.
  3. good luck scrub, deserved admin again :dave: even if he is a bitta nub in the servers sometimes :troll: Yes from me, even though it means nothing.
  4. Xenon and others I believe are working on new skins? For the fullbright issue, Darmuh covered it.
  5. good luck scrub.
  6. Unfortunately Bosnian you don't get the call on who is declined or accepted, this will be in the hands of lead admins + OwO, i expected more fro m this app. Anyways, good luck.
  7. Deserves to be an admin, again, always active, has the experience and IMO should get another chance if he can prove himself! GL SCRUB
  8. good luck nub, think you could make a good admin!
  9. Good luck.
  10. grats @@West on ur fast promotion, I dont know what you did but it mustve been well deserved to get it this quick :dave: Congrats!
  11. Ty all so much for good feedback! I have no idea how to do it on Macs, so sorry :D Also i dont recommend fraps either, i've never used it but some people find it easier! Anyways, gl!
  12. yes the suggestion was made, but nothing was done about it (for the secondary option) perhaps another topic is needed JUST for secondary.
  13. This is an awesome give away! But i dont want it :dave: dont play CSGO hehe
  14. I used to do some signatures n shit, but when i was in styx those guys REALLY were good at GFX, like they had a full team of people just for GFX. Raid doesn't really have that, we only have a couple of people who fuck around in photoshop but not really good enough for people to request something. It is a nice idea, maybe just a GFX showcase would be better, as there aren't enough GFX people for requests etc. Saying that, the resource and learning sections in the gfx would be useful!
  15. hello and welcome to the forums, enjoy ur stay here :sir:
  16. Once again this look awesome dude, appreciate the work you have put into this and it really does look good! The trailer is nicely edited too, can't wait for release date! Keep it up brother
  17. Hello m8, welcome to Raid. Im sure u know a lot of us since codscript has a lot of people from raid :3
  18. Yep, lovely idea, should definitely be a VIP option, people are obsessed with trails ;-;
  19. I like this a lot tbh, it looks nice on Promod aswell, give a unique feature. However, should this JUST be on the admin section page, or should it be on the entire forums for every member, not just admins? anyways, need some input from mikey :D
  20. The 'Community manager' box is too large for the page, on my screen anyways; edit: this only seems to be a problem on the old theme, not the new one.
  21. Congratulations on 1k raid gaming! Wanna take this time to thank @@Darmuh @@Lossy @@BraXi @@Thomas and @ for all the hard work, time and effort they have put into the forums and servers. I also want to give a big thank you from my heart to lossy, who has listened to me and my nub suggestions, who has been patient with me and others and who has done everything he can for raid. @@Anti, words cannot describe how valuable you are to raid, but you have personally helped me through my admin process and abilities, and i know you have helped others out of kindness, gracias, nub :dave: Thanks to everyone in this AWESOME community for making it so enjoyable, hopefully more members and more great memories to come. -Purity
  22. the filters are annoying, end of. this is the internet not GCSE English, no need for grammER and speling here :troll: but seriously, got my vote. I dont like it. m-8
  23. Looks like a challenging map, all though aesthetically IMO it looks a bit, idk, childish or unfinished. Havent tested but ill let you guys have your say on this map, but for me, im on the fence :okay:
  24. This is a deep, meaningful intro :troll: Anyways! Welcome to the forums mate, hope to see you on our servers. Need any help, here are a list of our admins: Admins And here are our servers: Servers Enjoy! :doge:
  25. :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: this was terrifying :( @@Bear Wont be pleased :troll: