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Posts posted by Purity

  1. I used to do some signatures n shit, but when i was in styx those guys REALLY were good at GFX, like they had a full team of people just for GFX. Raid doesn't really have that, we only have a couple of people who fuck around in photoshop but not really good enough for people to request something.


    It is a nice idea, maybe just a GFX showcase would be better, as there aren't enough GFX people for requests etc.


    Saying that, the resource and learning sections in the gfx would be useful! 


  2. Congratulations on 1k raid gaming!


    Wanna take this time to thank @@Darmuh @@Lossy @@BraXi @@Thomas and @ for all the hard work, time and effort they have put into the forums and servers.


    I also want to give a big thank you from my heart to lossy, who has listened to me and my nub suggestions, who has been patient with me and others and who has done everything he can for raid. 


    @@Anti, words cannot describe how valuable you are to raid, but you have personally helped me through my admin process and abilities, and i know you have helped others out of kindness, gracias, nub :dave:


    Thanks to everyone in this AWESOME community for making it so enjoyable, hopefully more members and more great memories to come.



  3. *Bump*

    Do the skins need to be a certain theme or color scheme? Or can all the weapons be different looking?


    For Raid there isnt really a colour scheme, but go off the menu's / things on the servers for colours, e.g. the menu is majority red, so add some red to the skins perhaps.


    For all skins, IMO they would look better if they were matching colours but with different designs, I dont think anyone would want like a green pistol then a blue one, just would look amateur IMO. Good luck to you if you decide to make a few skins, I might try some myself if I have time.


  4. Thanks for this Purity!


    Loooong time ago when my team was top 5 in clanbase hq ladder, we named places with colours. Much easier to remember imo.


    mhm i know what u mean i think, did the same with one of my teams but we named sections of the maps normally split into 1/4's with colours, so if we said 'blue' the team would just run to that corner  of the map :D


    Either way, just did this to show some nubs the call outs that i use on the server :p


  5. Dont know what the negative comments are about, in my eyes it looks beautiful, the lighting could be worked on more but obviously this isnt finished product, the lighting is a great idea and it does look realistic, smh for all the hate.


    Keep up the hard work bro, i like it :)


  6. Hello nublets, even though our promod server is a public fun server there is still important call outs that you may or may not be interested in, e.g. if you are in teamspeak and see a nub on ur friends screen you can give him a call out, or if you die you can say where he is in team chat. Either way, call outs are useful. So, for people that dont know them - ill show them!


























    So there are the maps i know are on the Raid Rotation, if i missed any just tell me in the comments or add the callouts yourself, you can find more on wikipedia etc.


    Hope this helps a few nubs and makes you more pro ;) :dave:




    EDIT: Ty Beatthat for fixing the image problems :wub:


  7. "thanks to purity for the idea and suggesting it to the community and owners of raid to add, we appreciate your suggestion"


    THANKS GUYS! :troll: :okay:


    jk, thank you for creating the server and giving it a chance! It stayed popular like i said it would and im happy it brings more players to our community :3


