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Everything posted by CrAzY

  1. Do you accept the requirements?: What is your real name?: What is your in-game name?: How old are you?: 15 What is your primary server?: Deathrun and Promod What is your B3 CID?: @39751 What is your Steam?: lightangel121 / CrAzY What makes you a good admin?: The fact that I am very interactive, alert, pays attention to chat, online alot (if not ingame, in ts or steam) very kind and knows the time and place for everything. What skills do you have?: I have the skill of interaction. Being one with the community and helping others with any problems that may occur What clans/communities/forums have you been at?:Ive been in |RS|, xM#, [X.K], RvS, =AG=, =FF= Why should we choose you?: I believe that i should be chosen because of how attentive and active i am, I like to help anyone and help the community and other admins with any problem in which can be solved to my knowledge. Thank You
  2. Life is Hatred but hatred will be overcome' d by living life

    1. Tinman


      wtf is this Facebook now?

    2. CrAzY


      lmao, why not ;)

    3. Grandpa
  3. there is a zombies server?!?!!?!?!?!
  4. RiP cod4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jwofles


      Buy a keycode.

    3. PC.


      thats the problem he cant u nub

    4. CrAzY


      its an ip ban but accoring to troll my ip is not banned, im able to join deathrun tho just not promod

  5. Joined a Clan. It broke apart 1 day after i joined it. GG World.

  6. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes, i do What is your real name?: Justin What is your in-game name?: CrAzY How old are you?: 14 What is your primary server?: my primary server is Deathrun and Promod. i go to co-ops and fun from time to time What is your B3 CID?: @39751 What is your Xfire?: justinramdin What is your Steam?: N/A What makes you a good admin?: The thing that makes me a good admin is the fact that ive had experiences in quite a variety of servers so ive goten practice and learnt how to mature to a certain level. And im always really active so if im ofline a server ill be easy to reach. What skills do you have?: Im still learning stuff. but i hope i learn it xD What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: For the most, all the clans and forums ive been in has closed down. ive missed the friends ive had there. thats y i was so sad when raid was going down Why should we choose you?: I think you should choose me because im not hated by the wonderful society/community of raid and ive been on this server for quite a while. ive seen people come people go and never come back. Ever since the promod server was opened. ive been more attached to raid than usual and ive been playing raid every day now. i am really active because i have nothing else to do with my life xD. i am a very friendly player, but when hackers come in the server, and starts doing whatever hackers do (hack) i simply call an admin. But, when admins not online like during the night. they get me mad. but i seem to keep my cool. Thanks -CrAzY
  7. Good Luck m8
  8. Im the ultimate Otaku!

    1. Anti


      Oh, so you're into Narwhaltoe and that Polkamen stuff? :troll:

    2. CrAzY


      tf is that?

  9. Well school was boring :3

  10. Streaming anime, Laggy internet, 1 hour to buffy a 20 min episode. so mad

  11. its already up so im to late to vote xD but anyways: I'd have voted YES.
  12. Raid Promod should have more skins for like the ak74u and the ak47 and you know the rest of guns :D. but i also think it should have Fullbright because I get really low fps on regular cod4 maps and fullbirght gives me a 20 fos boost xD
  13. @@Lossy . i understand now. i reformatted my pc and i get better fps so idc about the fullbright anymore xD
  14. ty guys xD <3 ya all
  15. @ Lol i think i know what is wrong with him. He may be entering his keycode but everytime he tries to join a server, the keycode resets and asks u to re enter the keycode. Ive faced this problem before. I have the Utmost simple solution. Go and create a new profile withing ur bios and transfer cod4 files to that profile and it may fix xD. this has happened to me so many times ive memorized my keycode by heart.
  16. the fullbright part tho. it rlly has me down. lately my pc has gotten worst and drops to 20 fps. evryday i try new tactics to boost the fps, but ive tried so much i only have 12/298gb free on my hard disk
  17. Yey! still bored :3

  18. CrAzY here. well obviouly xD. i have reached level 80 on raid and so have most people. at the point of 80, deathrun begains to become boring and i have no reason to play it cause i would achieve nothing. so more levels will make the old players come back to play and to max out again as the levels continue to rise. Thank You #CrAzYLifE
  19. what does this do??? i am confused /('_')\
  20. although i use a laptop. a technician stole my motherboard and replaced it with 1 that malfuncions. so in that cause the jack for my keyboard on my laptop doesnt work forcing me to be using mechanical keyboards all the time. so i threw away all my old ones xD. only got a new 1 from my birhtday and that is when i stopped deathrun a little
  21. Y does my Left Click only work at Night?

  22. Y does my Left Click only work at Night? O.o

  23. Congrats on Raid xD been playing here for quite some while. seen players come and go. most of them stay. great people. great friends. Great Comunity! GG Raid :D