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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Also the game crashes or just has black screen because of some programs... for example my friend had to exit Steam to start up COD4 normaly.. and I need to close one of the programs to get it to work, really don't know what the issue is. Or just simply crashes without any warning or just haves black screen. Yes I do have the latest drivers. But ye, don't play COD4 anymore so ye.


  2. 41 minutes ago, Caspa said:

    Troll's quite right? 

    First paragraph: Him complaining about me nitpicking on the site and not supporting the servers/not playing on them.

    I play on the servers every day and I barely ever make bug topics on the forums. which by the way, you're supposed to do in the fucking bugs and suggestions section.

    Second paragraph: Him saying mikey has better things to do besides fixing bugs. MIKEY ASKS FOR BUGS AND SUGGESTIONS.

    Troll took time to come up with 3 different possibilities that I could be referencing when it was obviously referring to the fact that west was on there twice.

    Go ahead and side with his post if you like, but at least reference exactly what part of it is right.


    That wasn't obviously as it could have been that @West donated twice during that time. Just make simply notes where the problem is at your first post and not like, oh here a picture in that area of the problem, search it out because it's obvious because I found it. But other people can't notice that fast or doesn't see it at all as some people didn't noticed it here right now.

    And it's not about supporting the community, it's about how the community it self is as some people here are non-stop savage, that isn't fun at all. And yes Mikey asks for bugs and suggestions but some people need to be a bit more specific, I see that the title etc is changed and that is specific now. Anyways, let's move on and forget it.


  3. 39 minutes ago, jwofles said:

    What's improper about this topic? O.o


    On 14-8-2016 at 7:57 PM, iMtroll said:

    Put $ before the donation?

    Capitalise the first letters of the names?

    West is on there twice?



    Rather than post a bug topic and not explain what's wrong, hoping people can guess, you could actually not be such a tool and try to help out by explaining what's wrong?



  4. Why doing diffecult things when you have the easy things, just use this?

    <iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="240" height="536"></iframe>

