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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Caspa the ghost
  2. As the title says, I can't quote someone elses post and that's annoying :dave:
  3. Cyka Blyat :troll: :troll:
  4. Happyeh Birthdayeh
  5. hulk on steroids
  6. As the title say, Happy Birthday Bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a good one :D
  7. Bear showing his lovely emotions :troll:
  8. This one never gets too old, good damn memories :(
  9. no no no, this is ur face :troll: anyways, hi :D
  10. Yes u can that's made for smartphones :troll:
  11. Who the heck plays a game in the bus or train-station with a laptop? You have a smartphone for that lol.
  12. bruh, don't get too big m-8 ;-;
  13. @Troll I already know that.. you pay for the brand and not specs yes blabla.. but still expensive for those specs, that's why. And Anti, the reason that the school wants Windows is because alot of programs run on Windows and not OSX.
  14. becuz poopbook is pro at being low-spec for that price and expensive :dave:
  15. Uploaded new video ^^

  16. Hmm good cooling system then :p, But the minuspoints from me are: -No Windows 10 Pro, for this expensive laptop I expect a OS that's that's more luxery -Heavy laptop to carry around all day But for the rest it's genious, better than Alienware of course lol.
  17. But how's the cooling if they put litteraly a GTX 980 GPU in a laptop ?..
  18. Spotify :dave: 2 words 10 letters A hard one :troll:
  19. @@jwofles, first world for America, Europe, Second world for East block and third world for Africa. I thought he ment for his own continent/country.. and my previous post should be third world not second world lol
  20. Second world*
  21. There is even 10 Gb/s speed @@Tinman , lol
  22. New video c: CS:GO - Funny Moments #1

  23. This goes for the forums as well? I'm almost sure it is, but you never know.
  24. @@Medusa, He is like the girls at school, oh no! How could I learn this, I can't even english, I can't this I can't that and VOILA you don't know shit mate. Stop complaining and study that language, easy to learn in 1-2 years and ESPECIALLY when you're a damn gamer. The fastest way to learn english is to learn words and grammar. Even I make mistakes but not like when I were 15 years old, as I improved alot through out the years by speaking english in games and wanted to improve as well. Stop making excuses like a girl and man up to learn the language, be even happy that you could learn a second language! I seriously hate when people make a excuse like a girl for this such things so that they will have it easier or are just lazy. And @@Toch_ja , your idea is not necessary as people will always post in that topic in their own language if he/she sees that he doesn't speak proper english or any other language that the forums has, so alot of work with no effect with your idea.