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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. :yuno: don't download porn.. :troll: Anyways I'm glad that I made this thread ;)
  2. You better make a backup of the map. And give it to me to test it :troll:
  3. Yes but not my fault, it was Poyser's and Sacheal's idea for that. That time I didn't even knew how to script lol or what what was.
  4. Hire PC for that :troll:
  5. True, but still its for everyone :Dave:
  6. If you rethink, and someone activates that trigger. He/she can see the RCON what is included to everyone who uses it :facepalm:
  7. That script gives RCON to everyone not only to him. He needs to be joined in the server that he can see the password. If he wants to make it only for him to see, he needs to make a script with a guid inside for only him.
  8. But I didn't said malware, did I? :dave:
  9. Maybe they are new, you never know. I'm sure there will be an update in few days or weeks. Just had a update from MalwareBytes, maybe you can try scan it again ?
  10. You know MalwareBytes doesn't scan everything? Better to download these 2-3 programs and to scan with each one then to scan with only 1 what can find only that much malwares. And btw MalwareBytes searches only for malwares and not viruses :)
  11. Happy Birthday m8
  12. Hot lady *.*, your brother got for sure a good taste. But not sure about you :Troll:
  13. BUMP IS REAL :angryarnold:
  14. I don't understand dis? :DavE:
  15. I guess :p
  16. True, but isn't it this much persons for a week ?
  17. In the first pic you look older and the second one you look younger lmfao. Anyways noice
  18. "Villa" People got damn moneyhhh.
  19. Happy Birthday Punk ;)
  20. Sorry guys that I overreacted.. but I can't laugh at this sometimes. If its worth to be funny I can laugh but yeah. Again sorry for over reacting.
  21. I'm really disapointed how you guys look at muslims.. if you said extreminests I wouldn't said nothing. Because extreminests aren't muslims at all.. Killing incidents without any reason is stupid. I could say, all christians are raping childeren and you guys got a christian background but you guys aren't following it or you guys aren't that at all doing these bad stuff. So please stop using the word muslim because the whole world are making muslims bad reputation on purpose. And yes I'm mad at this.
  22. Ah ok, thanks for explaining it.
  23. But he wanted a FX what kills someone right ? or the coordinates are for more "realistic" things ? And yes I copied and paste it from my GSC..
  24. If you could be less cocky, explain to me atleast why yours/others way are easier. Because I ain't using coordinates for a Origin thats why I'm thinking its easier.
  25. I gave sort of credit for helping me out..