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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Hahhaahh good one Troll xD
  2. Your opinion. I said here, post funny/good/interesting comments and yet you comment on the only 1 comment now what I've posted.
  3. Idk, but it looks like some of you don't like to talk things as these subjects and then litteraly want to jump over the wall because you don't want to hear it. Dude its just a normal talk not a fkng fight. And all what I've said was a opinion? pls rethink now twice, most of the part was the truth (before the comments of Staab and a bit after) and 1-3 things were opinions.
  4. Maybe now, but how about in the future? I bet this is going to let you think now what I've said :) Anyways, I leave it by here.
  5. Hmm now I understand a bit better, but most of what you've said I knew that :P
  6. Then go to a school whats better?.. It depends on teachers aswell so.. If I were on your position I would find a better school.
  7. I will say again with my my first comment, I agree and disagree. Money now a days takes your whole life over, if you had a farm you could easily live with less money. But since you live in America or Europe you can't live without money since you need to buy food/electronics now a days/ clothes etc etc. You need to keep you head aswell up for your self and for your kids if you got kids. My father said once: I think every night about how I am going to spend money for tomorow or the next few weeks so that we can live better and how I am going to pay bills etc etc. And no education is not the good choice, its only a good choice if you got luck. From the video that Pixel posted, only a few people got rich from it, but where are the other 6 billions? And btw, did you knew you got more happiness at school then at work? My mother said that to me btw, I still don't believe that 100% but when I more get to this new school thats like working your ass of in a company, yet I will get it even harder because of my very hard finals, but anyways what I mean with happiness on school is because of your friends and teachers. We got very funny teachers at school (our ICT side then), they make sometimes everyday jokes etc. But happiness is also being nice to people, and if you are nice to people you will get a warm heart back. And also true what you've said that school can't always help because you can't get a damn job now a days, but hey better a school then not a school? Look at africans people, they work litteraly their ass of to get INTO a school and work then even more harder at school to be something in life. And what you said: Its not always about wives. I think thats false since you need some love in your life to find happiness, if you can live without a wive good for you, its for everyone different but yet you need some love. I will say 3 things here: Life is not a damn joke its a serious buisness how to live everyday and yes your life is not fair. Your life is really short Money is not always happiness, but atleast you need money to live and to have happiness with the money (people in general), look at the stars they don't know what to do with money so they buy drugs (most of them). I'm sorry but I had to say this.
  8. You're right and not right. Without school you can't basicly do litteraly nothing, and then you are living with junk what you got and always money problems etc etc. I rather focus on school first and sort your things out before your life begins. With a good school you can get a good job where you deserve good money. And when you finished school, you get a job and search for a beautiful wife and with the school what you got whats directed to the job what you do now, is to keep your heads up for your self and family :) So happiness is with school aswell, yes you are a loser if your self don't want to finish school because its boring. But you are not a loser if you finished A school.
  9. If they are bad made yes, but his bounces are always working so.
  10. Give it a other name to your map since you already made a map called mp_dr_bounce..
  11. Make a thread again about your game for any updates/patches etc?..
  12. Looks alot better, keep up the good work.
  13. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  14. Oh.. now you are more clear about it lol
  15. Next time learn the basics in place of asking every single detail to us while you just started today or yesterday..
  16. Make a box (just a box) inside the radiant and give the key the name target and at value the name of the barrel (example: barrelexplosion1). Or select a barrel go to selection and select target, it will show a line which barrel isn't good from the script.
  17. If I'm not wrong (trying to help here) target = getEnt(booms[x].target, "targetname"); PlayFx(level.fire_barrel, target.origin + (0,0,32)); Did you named your origin correct?, since he can't find the origin. Otherwise delete the origin and make a new one and check if other objects are with the same name aswell.
  18. :o :cry: :cry:
  19. What does he means with fit?..
  20. ??
  21. Someone had to say it :/ I really don't like when people pretend someone else on the internet and at that situations you have to be a bit more strict. And I was admin aswell on FNRP so I know what to say. I only said if you post another fake picture and pretending someone else you will get a warning (from our admins).
  22. Easier way and better way ----> Right click on the icon and search for properties and search for compatibility. In the box of compatibility mode check the box in and search for windows XP service pack 3, and check the last box (the last box under) to open always as administrator. And ur radiant will run smoothly after that :) (do this with all .exe programs of COD4 mod-tools)
  23. Happy birthday mate ;)