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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Not if you copy and paste the whole script and name it under a other thread
  2. You can spawn what ever you want there so :dave:
  3. This is a fun script to :D findplayerexample() { wait 6; players = getentarray("player", "classname"); for(i=0;i<players.size;i++) { if( GetSubStr( players[i] GetGuid(), 24, 32 ) == "placehereyourguid" ) //place the last 10 numbers/letters of your guid { players[i] iprintLnBold("^9Badman!"); players[i] GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp"); //put here any weapon } } }
  4. lol
  5. Xenon/Rycoon/Rednose
  6. Hello there, You are probaly thinking (noob, this is the easiest part for making a map). Well.. I followed exactly this tutorial-----> I did everything what there is but I am getting this error: Couldn't play stream 'sound/\airplanes.mp3' from alias song1- Unable to open file Like I said I did exactly what in the tutorial stands, I changed the song though (downloaded a new song). And yes I made a IWD file of course.. at the mod section and then in the mod folder (fnrp_deathrun1.2). Named the iwd mp_dr_stayhigh and there inside is a folder named sound and there inside is the song yes. This is my csv file: name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max??,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,second?a?ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage song1,,airplanes.mp3,1,1,,,,1000000,,announcer,streamed,,,master,,,,,,,,,,,,,, And this is my script for the gsc: music() { level waittill( "round_started" ); wait 1; ambientPlay( "song1" ); } And this little script code is for the Zone File: sound,mp_dr_stayhigh,mp_dr_stayhigh,all_mp I hope someone can help me :s..
  7. There it shows the csv code...
  8. You need to make of course more then 1 csv for your song. So it will be: stayhigh_main.csv stayhigh_bitch.csv etc etc
  9. I'm sure more people got the same problem because Robin had the same problem. Triton tried litteraly everything what he got to fix it but nope it didn't worked. And why being such a dick now with this sentence? "Don't be expecting too much help from me in the future." #Sentrex
  10. PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED BY ROBIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What the problem was, is the tutorials from Sentrex & Staab >: (.. I bet there is a error in the soundaliases/music script. Because Robin's method works 100%. What you need to do is make a csv file for the soundaliases named (the mine is stayhigh_main and stayhigh_bitch) in RAW/SOUNDALIASES. The code for soundaliases is: name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max???,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,secon?d?a?ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage stayhigh_bitch,,music/stayhigh_bitch.mp3,1,1,ambience,,,,,ambient,streamed,,looping,,all_mp,,,,,, And then the music script in your map .gsc, this one is for randoms: thread music(); music() { rand = randomInt(2);//When you want for example 4 random songs, make from number 2 to a number 4 if(rand == 0) //random song 1 ambientPlay("stayhigh_bitch"); else if(rand == 1) //random song 2 ambientPlay("stayhigh_main"); //else if(rand == 2) Random song 3 //ambientPlay("stayhigh_main"); //else if(rand == 3) random song 4 // ambientPlay("stayhigh_main"); } And the last step is to put this in your "Update Zone Files": sound,stayhigh_main,,all_mp sound,stayhigh_bitch,,all_mp //Note: If you want 4 different songs you need 4 different of these, for example: sound,stayhigh_song1,,all_mp sound,stayhigh_song2,,all_mp sound,stayhigh_song3,,all_mp sound,stayhigh_song4,,all_mp And the last stap is, make a IWD file named mp_dr_yourmapname and make a folder inside there named sound and inside the folder sound make a folder named music. And in the music folder place there the song. And done! this is alot easier then the tutorial from Staab and Sentrex.. and without any errors aswell. Thank you Robin! and thanks aswell to Triton/Staab/Sentrex for helping me trough xfire/teamviewer, srry but Robin's method works.
  11. #Staab and #Triton, tried to help me over teamviewer and they did both what they could do and no result >: (...
  12. Reinstalled COD4.. and mod-tools but nope! still nothing But I'm wondering now, the tutorial from staab and then the script, this one: music() { wait 10; random = randomint (3); switch (random) { case 0: Ambientplay("airplanes"); iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix"); wait 1.0; iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix"); wait 1.0; iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix"); break; } } Do you need to thread it? Because I thread it. *NOTE* Tried without and with threading it, now the error is gone and ain't getting nothing now, what the fk is happening?..
  13. I think I know the problem.. Since I bought my laptop for school and for home I saved COD4 on my USB from my old pc and just paste it on my laptop and works perfect lol but I think thats the reason why it doesn't work.. Well lets try to install COD4 again :dave:.. and install modtools etc there.
  14. @bear nice one hahahahahaha
  15. Well, iMtroll tried to help me over teamviewer, he tried the exact same as he is used to do with his own maps and it didn't worked, he said my mod-tools might be a bit corrupted. *NOTE* I'm installing mod-tools again and I'll see if it then works. I will let you know here if it works correctly then or not. *NOTE* Reinstalled mod-tools and same problem but I'll try Pixel's option.
  16. @Bear Atleast I tried :okay:
  17. Try this, I don't know if it works: fogfx()//this is just a thread name { origin = getEnt("weather","targetname"); weathertrig = getEnt("weather_trig","targetname"); hurt = getEnt("placehere_the_name_of_trigger_hurt","targetname");//This is for trigger_hurt hurt enablelinkto(); //hurt links to brush hurt linkto(spikegoesup1); //this is with hurt enablelinkto weathertrig waittill("trigger"); origin waittill( "trigger", user ); trig delete(); wait 20; PlayFX( , origin.origin); }
  18. Are you sure that the file is .mp3? otherwise redownload the song with this website:
  19. Looks awesome!
  20. She got a point here.. but hey you can't deny this: Try something before you complain
  21. Oh wait.. Braxi never plays deathrun or didn't played before on any servers.. :dave:
  22. Lmfao that script xD
  23. But acti got a knife :dave:
  24. Works this tutorial also with this script_code?? (music menu):