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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Lmfao, hahahahah
  2. Why? Who gives tanks/airsupport/weapons etc to Isreal? #America Anyways, leave this behind I don't wanna start a argument here now.. stay on topic :dave:
  3. Too late :> another war started in Isreal :dave: And who is behind Israel? America ofc who supports Isreal, so the war won't stop until Isreal is 100% Isreal :> Anyways piece be upon them all in Polska
  4. Then you don't understand my point noob
  5. A SSD is a HDD if you look it in 1 way, but what the hardware's inside are, thats different of course. What I ment with that is that SSD is a another word for HDD.. but then its not a disk but a flash.
  6. If everyone played it, how does it come that I don't see the IP even?.. I searched at the Servers tab and tried even in this section to search because maybe there was a thread about this mod.. but nope!
  7. Didn't even saw that ... :facepalm:
  8. Then put which zombies it is :facepalm: ... It could be BTD/Rotu 1.15/ Rotu 2.1/ RotuR ETC
  9. I saw many people doing that, so maybe he did it aswell but I don't know :P Just trying to help :okay:
  10. Did you exracted the whole mod-tool in your COD4 directory without making a extra folder in that directory ?
  11. I bet he didn't alot of stuff for zombies hahahaha First of all, the wave points, then the good spawns, then the upgrade parts (boxes) etc etc.
  12. Thats why I said it on purpose :p, anyways ur map
  13. Looks good ;) Keep up the good work.
  14. Atleast add 1 room extra :Dave: Make a special room or just a very detailed sniper room for hardscoping :>
  15. Tell right here when its done and when we are gonna play it :ninja:
  16. Well, first the network driver, then the audio driver then maybe the graphics driver (basic installation) and then auto update from the internet. etc etc, and then install all but then all updates from Windows :dave: and that will take good 3 hours maybe more depends on ur internet :> Anyways, get also a other network card :>, get a network card what includes WIFI and LAN, and not just WiFi, if I am wrong that the card only got WiFi say it, then its nothing wrong with it.
  17. Here are some more :P xDDD lmfao.. :motherofgod: :Dave: LOL
  18. Fake asian guys :Dave:, I bet they watch anime porn aswell :troll:
  19. And no you can't upgrade to a intel CPU if you go to the left side. Because you have then a AMD socket not a Intel socket.
  20. We understand each other ^^ *pssst* like my comment D: *psst*
  21. What siikdUde said the AMD cpu is quite bad. They are not bad at speed etc but they are bad at heatings. A good AMD CPU needs alot of cooling! 1. They use more energie 2. They need litteraly alot of cooling I would go for the right side because: 1. Since Intel got a special system in their cpu's is that they use less and less energie 2. They can get very high speeds without being that much hot so that means you don't need a very good cooler to cool your CPU. And for the rest the specs are exact the same except the videocard, well the videocard is almost the same as the 760
  22. I know :dave: :troll:
  23. The war has started!
  24. "So the reason I won't be active is that my mom told me that there won't be internet for 2-3 weeks or maybe a month..." "my parents told me that me and my brothers will be only using 1 PC. And that PC will only have internet" Says they don't will have internet while they got internet :davepalm: xD Anyways buy a damn switch or router and voila you got internet via 1 cable in the house and its split up to other pc's with the switch or router.