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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. AHA... Thats what I tried to say about my map :Facepalm:
  2. I suggest the HDP DJ-Pro M1001 !!, BEST HEADSET/ HEADPHONE WORLD WIDE (without mic), music is fking great with this headset and it costs only about 90 euro. Its OFC 20x better then Beats or razer or crossair.. It fits very well and quality is more then amazing, my friend got this for his birthday (2 months ago), and I tried it aswell. Its just amazing. Amazing for music and gaming ofc. The only thing what it misses is the mic and thats it. But buy a blue-snowbal for a mic, those are one of the best mics (How I hear it) and they aren't that expensive. Here is the site btw:
  3. Why does he says then :troll:?.. :facepalm:
  4. Lmfao, just did this in paint and came out with this, #worthForMeme xD 1. 2.
  5. Made a sig for Grezwal and a avatar ^^ Got 2 different sig the only change is the text. 1. 2. And a avatar for him ^^
  6. Looking good xD
  7. Map looks interesting, gj. If you want I can help you with the mapping part to fill the empty places in your map lol.
  8. Hello there, I want to give my WIP deathrun maps out since I can't finish it and I almost don't play COD4 anymore.. and I'm not in the mood to map further anymore. MAP 1: mp_backyard, this map is nearly done like abou 90-95% of the map, if you think it isn't done yet then change some things inside but I would be glad how it now is. MAP 2: mp_dr_mountains, this map is like 10% done lol, but the beginning is near done, this map you can change what ever you want. --------------- For maps dr_tutorial and kino der toten, some rooms were used in the map mp_backyard. Those rooms fits very well in backyard and thats why I've chosen to choose those rooms. Anyways, I would be happy to give me and Robin (iXRobin now, xfire name: jehoofd4) the credits aswell to the map mp_backyard. And for mountains only to me the credit and for you aswell who is going to make. So I hope you can make a good map of it with awesome scripts inside :D and ofc I hope you will give to me the credit aswell. And if you want to hear any plans that I had for backyard I would be glad to name them up in this thread if I renember them. Regards, BosnianArmy PS here are some video's and pictures of the map. Some of the new pictures that I had are disappeared some how.. and the 2 video's are old video's and the pictures are the old new updated ones for the map. But when you open the 2 maps THEY are updated alot except mountains. Mountains isn't changed that much, but backyard is realy changed what you can see from the pictures.
  9. Why too much work or? :P
  10. *Bump* Anyone mapping on the map backyard? since it is downloaded 9 times.
  11. This is my scroll box of the list..
  12. Now I did :troll:
  13. I like BraXi's humor lmfao.. LOL!
  14. Ty, didn't knew that about the location/s.
  15. braXi wants the D of the big bear :troll:
  16. This is what I've made like a month ago And this was before:
  17. Authors: Headdy & BosnianArmy Name of map: mp_dr_likeabossv2 Difficulty: easy-hard Length of map: long Amount of traps: 13. 2 auto activated (mines + X trap) End rooms: Sniper, Knife, Weapon, Old ( and a secret RPG room) Download link: Images:
  18. Nope, isn't fixed lol. Maybe try to upload it somewhere? or take gyazo? :huh:
  19. Hahah, ty for the feedback xd
  20. Hmm.. about the endrooms. Here is my list :Dave:: A endroom with stormfight with bazooka's Frozen water fight, you go in a hole and swim to each other and fight with what ever Snowbal fight what Headdy said xD Escaping the avalanche Tank fight in a storm This was my list :>
  21. Nice skill out there------>
  22. First of all, I never said I am king of mapping and I even don't think like that way. Second, I accept the opinions and I don't care if you like it or not, but I care if you can't be serious at some things without testing with it. Third, the feedback from Kratos and Staab. Those are the only good feedbacks what I've heard. 4TH, The map is not always about the "looks".. I know by my self that the map doesn't look 100% perfect.. But it is fun to play because there are funny traps out there and some are hard ones and the map has a good looking sphere. This was what I had to say, now back on topic and say now only YES or NO if the map can be tested to play on the server for a few days! and then complain to let it be on the rotation or not.
  23. This map has some unique traps :facepalm: I guess And headdy, the map looks atleast alot better then from other beginners xd
  24. Finaly, the good feedbacks are coming! Ty for feedback and testing btw.