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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Good to hear.
  2. How was the map ?
  3. I actually ask mostly, do you like the map yes or no?.. and without jokes. Some are saying no and some Yes.
  4. 1. Did you played the map? I don't think so 2. Ofc I defend the map since people can't be serious about some things 3. Go play the map and see if its easy or hard ;) 4. Alot of people said it is a fun map on other server/s.
  5. Reason? I think you didn't played it yet. Play the map and give feedback again pls. And guys for you aswell, don't troll but be serious at some things..
  6. Like the first 4, gj
  7. Show me because I saw none :>
  8. Hmm.. the reasons: 1. America wants power (the politicals) 2. America wants money (the politicals) 3. America doesn't give any shit about you (the politicals) 4. The dumb media is always fake story like about the Muslims 5. They spy you when they want.. 6. America interfere with everyone in the world..
  9. I prefer England than dumb America......
  10. Without England, America wouldn't even speak english so please.. And btw, 98% of america isn't even american, they are all from Europe ;)
  11. the first 2 are from Cinema4D I think lol But I like only the second one :P
  12. Hello peeps, I thought I had my introduction here, but clearly not since the site is changed :P Anyways, I am 17 years old born in 1997 11 june for those who are lazy to think :dave:. My hobbies are, ICT/ Gaming and fitness, I live in Netherland and I speak 3 languages which are: Bosnian/ English and Dutch :awesome:. I am a friendly trusted person and I can give and take jokes :D. And I am a mapper aswell for COD4 but since I am not in the mood anymore and lazy I will call my self ex-mapper. I play these games aswell: -Leauge of Legends :doge: lvl 30 division Bronze 2 >:... dem trollers and feeders.. and afk people :angry: -Call of Duty 4 -Battlefield 3 (Don't play it anymore idk why) -The Forest, cracked :P but got the latest patch :awesome:, its a realy good game but since its a Alpha version its quick boring. And before I forget for those who knew me on I am Enes1997. And thats it, I can't tell nothing more since I can't renember :P
  13. Hai :3
  14. I finished that game.. In the beginning its a bit scary but, later you are playing the game like cod4 lol. And btw, there is a part where you litteraly can shit on your self and jump off of your chair xD, my self only shocked from it since I am not that fast scared (lets say mostly to the minimum scared, and if I get shocked then it has to be a good one lol).
  15. ty
  16. Ty And btw @Kratos, who made ur sig? When I look more on ur sig I see more and more details o.o.. :o #Jealous xD
  17. You didn't gifted BF3 but other games you did :)
  18. *Edit* placed 1 text more, forgot to place that :P
  19. I was on this site before you :ph34r:
  20. Why am I on internet then? :troll: But why should I search when I can get the answer here :dumb:
  21. I can help you out aswell by playing the Alpha/ Beta map and trying to give then more idea's and improvements
  22. I use Google Chrome if you mean that. And whats Google fibre then?
  23. Ty and oops misspelled jealous lol