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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Done, and no I didn't cheated -.-..
  2. Those guys with 500 mb/s.. is a bug lol. Btw this is mine original (jelous? :troll:)
  3. As a old mapper, this map will take hits if you make 3 more rooms in place of 2 more :D But maybe a outside factory in the map aswell? where you need to run/ walk in pipes? and then you come inside again where you need to avoid big machines :3
  4. Which of the 2? :>
  5. You better put more End-Rooms in lol And maybe you could finish my maps what I've posted the sources on this site? :D
  6. Good to hear ^^
  7. Ah ok :( Anyways, I hope someone else will do it :D
  8. Which sarcasm ??
  9. I'm glad that someone will finish it! Btw if you want share here on this thread your idea's or make a new one about the updates or PM me :P And btw which one are you going to finish if I may ask ?
  10. +1 hahahaha
  11. 1. I don't have time for that 2. I can't script 3. Not in the mood 4. A other person who can better map and script then me can finish it.
  12. NOTE: Updated the thread with video's and pictures! !