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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Not gonna happen buddy
  2. How about all of you stop being a fucking dick towards everyone ?...
  3. Which macbook
  4. How about both..
  5. gime money
  6. >Says shit setup >But has 20x better setup than me :dave:
  7. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Antiehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :( I really hope you will get in the tops of Murican nub Football and see you on TV :) Follow ur dreams and let that happen! Also don't forget us :) Good luck my friend we won't forget you :)
  8. Oki, ty for explaining.
  9. I know @@Lossy but still wondering for Dedi machines that they don't have a proper DDOS protection that could take care at least some good ddos. But ye.
  10. :waT:
  11. I mean a firewall machine... a litteraly machine that has only firewall protection. So I'm wondering why the company doesn't have that standard and especially when you buy a dedicated machine.
  12. 1) Ask them for a new dedi for the same price and same specs if the downtime doesn't work 2) Ask for money back that you guys paid for the last 2 months 3) Say to them to setup for you a firewall protection if they have a shit ddos as they NEED to protect you for this such things and especially if they didn't do shit with those reports. The customer is the king over a company.
  13. You got da back up from us m-8. But maybe this solution would work, although I'm not sure if you guys are doing that. Anyways, I think you got the legit IP address from the attacker and it's Kevinos I think? Just report to the police and the ISP.
  14. You can always reach the support and ask them to make one ^^
  15. I don't get this: "and make a record called '' i will still be able to connect with ''" What do you mean now? If you make so a second record. Do you can connect or not ? Or do you have this problem in general while trying to make a record and connect to that DNS.
  16. They look a bit the same because the form of the head is a bit the same, that's why :Dave: And OwO is Half-Half or is OwO at the russian part close to China/Mongolia? Just wondering :dave:
  17. I said some of u cunt
  18. When you ride a Volkswagen Golf 7 as a teaching car :D

    1. siikdude
    2. Moseph


      @Anti Do they not have self teaching car in america? Guess it hasn't come out yet.

    3. Anti


      Nah, us Muricans need no teaching. If anything, we'll eventually have intelligence degrading cars. Why drive or learn how to when the car can do it all by itself #GoogleCars :P

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  19. some of u got cracked cod4 or other games so fuck u :troll:
  20. It was much worse @@BraXi , trust me :Dave:
  21. When you install Windows 10 completely fresh instead a upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 :awesome: (installed today fresh)
  22. Lossy-eh, have-eh, a-eh, nice-eh , day-eh. Happy Birthday and I hope you have a nice sunny day there in Britnub Land :troll: Stay young my friend, don't get old my friend.
  23. From MGE to Gold Nova 2 back on the road to MGE, I could say I rekt them soooooo hard lol. And oh yeah BUMPY BUMP!
  24. I had my first driving lesson today c: went good ;o he said I had skills lol

    1. Grandpa


      Here in SA we may only start driving at 18 but every underaged person decides "fck it"

    2. BosnianArmy


      fck it untill they make a big crash :>

    3. Grandpa


      That happens errrrry day!

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  25. Is a blue waffle