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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. What you could do to improve the security is:


    -Add the guid, what you already did.

    -A Username and Password

    -A alternative question to login, so a security question if that's possible but I think it is


    Just a idea for the admin menu system, also idk the problem as I'm not a scripter xd


  2. If you actually read what he said, he said that he just took it off of that one menu and left it on the original menu. 


    I think you didn't understand that I said my opinion about something while he changed it already. Just stating something for the next time if he's gonna remove the credits or not.


  3. He didn't say he didn't test it. He said he didn't test it in real conditions. Meaning he has tested it on his own but hasn't tested it on a server that has lots of players. 


    AGAIN Bosnian, you failed to read and derped out ._.


    I understood that as he didn't tested properly :Dave:


  4. Don't forget to point out any bugs you find, i never tested this map on real conditions.


    Then why releasing in the first place if you didn't even tested the map on bugs? Do you realise that no one will upload your map into the map rotation if they find out that the map is full with bugs? And if there are bugs that means players will leave the server and will find a better server that's more professionally.


    Also no images = no interest, this goes for everyone. Not everyone wants to fill up their hard disk with some extra MB. 


  5. _commands['unban'] = 'unbanuser %(name)s' # remove players from game engine's ban.txt - yup looks like a database file to me, again stop saying things you have no clue about or even researched to make sure you are correct.



    I'm pretty sure that I'm not wrong that you can unban tempbanned or banned people from B3 via MySQL.



  6. That's like saying b3 works differently as it works as a database but it uses python.


    Which is still incorrect.


    Both saves into a database file and reads from a database file but are written in different languages.



    You also need to stop posting on topics you have no knowledge on as well. Manu and b3 commands are mainly based on rcon commands which a lot of rcon commands can be based on GSC scripts.


    B3 doesn't work as a database(what ever the fuck that means) it stores its data into a database and reads from it just like php.


    But you can also change things as unban people from MySQL.... and that I said that it works as a database is indeed wrong, I've expressed it wrong. I had to say it works with a database.
