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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. @@Medusa,


    He is like the girls at school, oh no! How could I learn this, I can't even english, I can't this I can't that and VOILA you don't know shit mate. Stop complaining and study that language, easy to learn in 1-2 years and ESPECIALLY when you're a damn gamer. The fastest way to learn english is to learn words and grammar. Even I make mistakes but not like when I were 15 years old, as I improved alot through out the years by speaking english in games and wanted to improve as well.


    Stop making excuses like a girl and man up to learn the language, be even happy that you could learn a second language! I seriously hate when people make a excuse like a girl for this such things so that they will have it easier or are just lazy.


    And @@Toch_ja , your idea is not necessary as people will always post in that topic in their own language if he/she sees that he doesn't speak proper english or any other language that the forums has, so alot of work with no effect with your idea.
