Rescue Fox

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Posts posted by Rescue Fox

  1. Heyo, back with more pc stuff  :troll:


    Anyways my friend asked me to make him a gaming pc but he's on a tight budget ($400) So I was like "aight cuh lemmie get dis 4 chu" So I was wondering If this will give him the most bang for his buck if you will, here's what I picked out for him.




  2. gl on putting together ur pc. If you need help on the motherboard part, i can help you. I pretty much remembered where every wire goes.

    Thanks for the offer, but I have youtube  :dave: *2mins later* ummm siik, my computer is on fire, any fixes?


  3. Torrent the OS, I'm talking about a dvd drive for installing drivers to parts because each part always has 1 or 2 discs you'll need to install them. I installed my OS via USB, I'd suggest the same unless you already have a windows disc laying around.

    Couldn't I simply just download the drivers from the interwebs?  :dave:
