
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Dolph1n

  1. Yes Does Anti rhyme with nub?
  2. No Do you even bend bro?
  3. Name of map: mp_dr_world Difficulty: Medium (Hard when traps are activated) Length of map: Medium Amount of traps: 13 End rooms: Old, Snipe, Pistol, Weapon, Bounce Download link: Screenshots: This is probably one of my favorite deathrun maps of all. It has an amazing atmosphere and the lighting is pretty cool. Has a very unique bounce room while people are waiting for an actual end room to open up. Has 4 custom weapons and a secret. The secret is not overpowered at all due to it being located at the end of the map like Destiny. People who do the regular map should be able to finish before someone finishes the secret. Genesis did an outstanding job with this map and hopefully gets added to the rotation :D -Dolph1n :sir:
  4. If you're reading this you owe me a puncake

    1. PC.
    2. Tinman


      I can't post anymore :cri: what is this?

    3. Pixel


      PC seriously l2script kid before you pick on tinman

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  5. Yes Does JWofles like waffles?
  6. no Am I a Doll Fan? :troll:
  7. No But should I let Bear answer that question?
  8. No Is Poority nub?
  9. Yes Am I a dolphin?
  10. I love this community

    1. PC.


      No its shit like lossy jk i luv lessy wit all me heart #englishismysubjectalsothishashtagislongwhatisaidhashtaginahashtagididagainwhoa

    2. Cloudy


      Love you too bae.

    3. Cloudy


      Love you too bae.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  11. No Does Tinman need to be oiled?
  12. Yes Is slaya dutch? Edit: why does it sat "gay" everytime I writr Slaya or Jr-Imagine?
  13. No Intel or AMD? (edit: I'm dumb, wasn't a yes or no, meant to say Intel/AMD xD)
  14. Don't expect this map or any maps to be added soon. Lossy will be changing the whole rotation once the new deathrun mod update is released so maybe it will be added then. ;)
  15. Hello and welcome to the forums :D Have fun and enjoy your stay ;) -Dolph1n
  16. Obamacare uppercuts O'Reilly into the abyssal depths, while still sitting on the destroyed Japanese's elevator during a massive earthquake that shaked a quaint town which awakened Lossy while lifting him out of mandatory David Cage class. Obamacare then goes
  17. Hello Raid community, I am just asking for some help because I am currently having trouble with demos. I can record demos fine, it's just a matter of opening them for the deathrun mod. Whenever I try to open any deathrun demo from any mod, I get an error saying "Weapon index mismatch for "tomahawk_mp" If anybody knows a solution to this problem please let me know Thanks, -Dolph1n
  18. Random Question of the Day #7 - What is the meaning of Anti?

    1. Darmuh


      Anti = 4 letters

      Ants have 6 legs

      6-4 = 2

      Anti = One person

      2+1 = HalfLife 3 Confirmed.

    2. Sentrex


      Anti has 4 letters, Sentrex has 7

      4+7 = 3

      How to maths

    3. Anti
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  19. Adios fellow nub, Had fun playing with you while it lasted :P Take it easy man ;)
  20. Didn't expect that, thanks a lot Lossy :D
  21. Random Question of the Day #6 - Do you have any pets?

  22. Only 2.31$ till I can donate to Raid from makin' that #youtube #monayyyyyyy

  23. Random Question of the Day #5 - What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

    1. Headdy


      Falling down the stairs. DONT EVER DO IT. (I didn't do it on purpose btw)

    2. Tinman


      Crazy good or crazy bad? I'll follow Headdy's lead and say crazy bad? (assuming yours was bad Headdy :p) Daring to argue with almighty Darmuh and Anti, King of Banter!

  24. :dave:Anyways , welcome to forums and make yourself at home ;)
  25. Hey dude, welcome to Raid forums! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your campaign ;)