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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. We are only just getting 100mb/s Fibre in residential areas now... so you can understand my surprise :okay:
  2. I know this sounds naive but my childish knowledge of the world's Internet never knew that speeds like that existed :blink:
  3. Yeah, I heard the US is like, the land of the free or something ;)
  4. From some of the Finnish reality programs I've seen, Finland makes South Africa look like a 1st world superpower in terms of civilisation :kappa:
  5. Black boards in 2016? o.O
  6. you now in this place nice
  7. Is that considered a bad thing? :)
  8. Literally can't wait... http://prntscr.com/a5ib28

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. iMtroll


      Oh look. you pulled the attention away from the bot clients :whistle:

    3. Tinman


      Are you mentally disabled? Lmao

    4. iMtroll


      And again, dragging the attention away from the bot clients.

      And to top it off, insulting me by asking if I'm mentally disabled. Look who seems to get defensive over his precious bots :3

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Happy Birthday, have a great day! :)
  10. :davehair:
  11. Why was my status deleted? :O I can't even remember what it was about lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman


      Well I would know why people were accepted if I was the deciding few... but as you said, I'm not therefore I don't know. Your point?

    3. iMtroll


      My point is that you had no reason to say "I can't remember why you were accepted as admin" as at no point in Raid are you even given an option to know why he was accepted. Both renders your argument unusable and snarky.

    4. Tinman


      It was an example lmao, it's not like I have to say "if I were admin". It's implied...

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Had BF4 since March 2014 but never been able to play it cuz of PC. Played it for the first time today... I'm a noon :okay:

    1. Anti


      Well, you should be honored. Not many people throughout history have had the privilege of transcending into time itself :P

  13. Good Luck FFFFFFAAAAAAMMMMM <-------------
  14. If you're only apologizing because "it's the right thing to do", then you shouldn't have bothered.
  15. Update: got a bunch of new shit http://prntscr.com/9ppi3b
  16. Yeah wtf, 3 in one group is insane!
  17. Censor his signature then Anti :okay:
  18. It looks like Harry Putter Nigguh :daveunicorn:
  19. Oh oh, I want to be in the Crawler group, oh yes I do! http://prntscr.com/9kvyd0

  20. I don't understand then... :/ No !votekick or something?
  21. I honestly think votekick would be the best solution. The world isn't perfect, everything is susceptible to abuse but there's a reason successful games like CSGO and other CoD4 servers use it. It works more often than it is abused. Just my opinion coupled with experience though :)
  22. I asked for nothing but got given a few books and a Box o' Lindt ^^ I can't complain...
  23. That sneaky innuendo though ;)