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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. deathrun

    Never knew you had been making a map although I'm not surprised considering my activity. Looks insane nevertheless! I'll play it as soon as my internet decides I'm worthy of downloading it
  2. I have the same question in mind... I know what you're trying to do by the way Waffles :kappa: ;)
  3. Need I answer?
  4. This voting system really has gone to shit... if it was ever effective in the first place -_- いただきました!ウル平均
  5. Well with that attitude...
  6. It was such a long time ago I can't remember if it was you that did so much for the Combined Ops Server that Raid had, but if so: thank you so much for the endless hours of fun I had on that server, even if it was against bots :D Enjoy life :)
  7. Is it a private thing to know one anothers' feelings about candidates or are you open to who you support. If the latter, who are you set to vote for, Muricans?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. siikdude


      I'm not old enough to vote but If I was, I wouldn't vote. If I was forced to vote then I would vote for Hillary.

    3. Tinman


      Sounds like what I would have done...

    4. Anti


      You agree with siik on something? An enemy's stand must be nearby

  8. Majestic Casual + MrSuiSheep + a touch of Proximity = <3
  9. I really like your taste in music :D
  10. I'm so confused... :okay: http://prntscr.com/bdj20c Edit: did you just edit your post Mikey? :omfgwtfbbq:
  11. :wat: I understand you are 'trolling' but... what...
  12. For the amount of shit you Muricans speak I think that's a mild dilemma... sometimes I find it difficult to believe you still call it English. While I'm at it, drive on the correct side of the road please. :kappa: idgaf tbh
  13. Any Jehova's Witnesses here? I have quite a few arguments I could start with you :davehair:
  14. Don't start an argument about religion... sure this thread is about arguments but we don't want to have to build a wall :lol:
  15. For someone who supposedly loves God, "I hate you" says else wise... SRIRACHA!!
  16. Who was I kidding... of course it wasn't going to be a meaty paragraph full of hardcore insults :okay:
  17. Dude suh
  18. Suh dud, you're cool too man
  19. Roflcopter lolmobile
  20. Still best game ever <3 in terms of raw aim and gun skill
  21. Sure that's your lock screen? :gaybe:
  22. Replace it. Immediately.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Moseph


      Racial discrimination, that's why.

    3. iMtroll


      Because people were using it to upvote and downvote people just based on how well they were voting on their own posts.

    4. siikdude


      sounds like reddit

  23. Even for Bosnian... :wat:
  24. Couldn't tell if good troll or genuinely slow until I saw this